Thursday, August 31, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 31 - Honoring The Pirates of ATO, and Rod Yanker

Beta Pi:

This issue is to celebrate Beta Pi Blog's first month of existence. The blog has logged 31 Issues, and has been visited over 876 times by Tic-lo's spanning the globe. Several Past Potentates of Tickledom have logged comments directly to Beta Pi Blog. There is a "mystery" brother who goes anonymously by screen-name "powales" - acronym for Prince of Wales!

The blog has added many Tic-lo's, at last count, there are 40 of us on this blog. Why just today, Venerable George "The Heme" Tomlinson and Rodney "Rod" Yanker have been added!

Ah, the Brotherhood! Thanks to all Beta Pi Brothers for making Beta Pi Blog a success!

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at:

I love all of my ATO Brothers,

Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

"Stream of Conciousness" E-mail received from Buck Biller, September 1, 2006:

"Dear Bro Marlon,

Wags is Bro Wagner (pledge class circa 1950 something) the spectacularly flamboyant inventor of the pressure cooker for chicken utilized by the now
defunct "Henny Penny" chicken franchise group and the still queriously successful Kentucky Fried Chicken ( aka KFC, aka KFR, so named for both the
urban Legend that the Colonel occasionally would add the odd Kentucky Fried Rat to a bucket at no extra charge .   .   .

.   .   . and the night  Bro Simons returned to the
Hemingway hall late from a long session with several of his "herbal enthusiast" buddies (possibly Bro Crenshaw?) and discovered upon opening his
"side bucket-o-mashed potatoes and gravy" that it had been garnished with a cigarette butt).  .   .

.   .   . Bro Wagner's first name eludes me- I am sure it has nothing to do with that half-gallon of gin I drank last night.  I do recall that he had a rather pleasant wife (who seemed amused by all of us) and an attractive young daughter as well as his son Kurt who later became a Brother during the Jimmy Grisset/Rod Yanker era.

We launched several expeditions for parties at the Wagner Farm somewhere outside Nashville [Hartsville, Tennessee, courtesy Boss Stein].  Bro Hart was well aquainted with the Bro Wagner the
greater.  Bro V Starr  (when he was not busy schutupping innocent freshman co-eds during his law school years) was a weekly gin rummy opponent of Bro Wagner the later.

I will call on both Bros to favour us with any remembrances of either of the Bros Wagner or any other Tic's with memories of the soiree's at the Farm to do so.

I love all my ATO Brothers,
Frank J. "Buck" Biller

PS- I too have called the mysterious Harpo home and got the fax buzz."

Anonymous said...

After reading Buck's comment I had to look back at the ATO composite and I could only find one Tic with an Afro haircut, that would be Don "Funky" Engleman.  So what's up with this "Bro" this and "Bro" that?  Soul On Ice

Anonymous said...

Ah - Vinnie Starr and his mysterious "fluid gin" -

I too appreciated Kurt Wagner's kind efforts to finance me and any number of Beta Pi gin-playing brethren with his inability to recognize that he just wasn't getting any better. If not for Kurt and Don Scott (the Whale)  I'm certain my tab at the house would still be in the red. I remember meeting Roy Acuff at some second story row house that Acuff's granddaughter(?) was turning into a restaurant and Kurt had somehow hooked us in to doing labor for money or some such nonsense. I also remember the Wagner's "country house" - not clearly mind you - but I do remember it.

On a two, who?

Chuck Wharton

Beta Pi, '79

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Richard Noonan, September 18, 2006:

"Larry,  Please include me on the ATO blog.  My nickname is Hoover and was in the class 1980 with Yanker. I’ve enjoyed all the entries. If you need a face with a name, I am on the far right of the 2005 reunion tales with Rod and Vinnie.  Thanks,

Richard ‘Hoover’ Noonan

Richard M. Noonan
First Vice President
Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc.
489 East Main Street
Lexington KY  40507
859-253-9769 - ext 228
859-232-8259 - Fax
859-232-8228 - Direct
Tiffany Riley - Assistant

Anonymous said...

(Sung to the tune of Boomer Sooner)

Hoover Noonan, Hoover Noonan
Hoover Noonan, Hoover Noonan
Hoover Noonan, Hoover Noonan
Hoover Noonan, Hoover Noonan!

I'm Hoover born and Hoover bred and when I die
I'll be Hoover dead.


Anonymous said...


"[Opening narration (season 1]

Narrator: There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."