Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 28 - Vinny vs. Buck Contest!

Beta Pi:

It hit me, "Blogmeister vs. Blogmeister" - seriously! Since Vinny has graciously served as "Guest Blogmeister" (see Vinnie's issue No. 20) and Buck has been involuntarily pressed into service (see Buck's issue No. 27) - you, dear Brothers, may participate in Beta Pi Blog's latest contest:

Blogmeister Vinnie vs. Blogmeister Buck.

To vote for a brother, you must post a comment directly to the blog issue for which you wish to vote. Example: to vote for Vinnie, go to the Beta Pi Blog, click on issue No. 20, click on "add your own comment" and fire away.

Prior to this contest, Vinnie's guest blog has had the most "comment hits" of any issue so far - 9 comments. Therefore, in fairness, when the final tally is made, 9 will be subtracted from Vinnie's total. The prize has not yet been determined, but will be announced soon.

There are no rules, you may enter as many times as you wish. You may vote for both brothers' blog entries!


This blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

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