Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.21 - Honoring Chris "The Greek" Regas

Beta Pi:

In honor of unearthing Venerable Brother Chris "The Greek" Regas chrisregas@fccef.com, I am posting a photo in which I believe The Greek is pictured. I have diligently searched my own photo archive for a photo of The Greek, and this is all I have. I am putting the question to you, dear readers:

In the photo above, is that The Greek (in sunglasses) just to the right of Amazing Cheek-un?

Please "post" your votes on this blog.

This is also a request to all brothers, if you have a photo of The Greek, please send it to me, and I will post it.

This blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

E-mail from Mark Reed, August 15, 2006:

Hey Larry, Great to get the Beta Pi info. My contact info is below. I was looking at the picture regarding Greek. It looks like Chris but I don't think that is him. Too long ago....but a great memory. Thanks for all your effort to connect this crazy group.
Best regards,
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone: (770)350-8005
Fax: (770)350-8006
Email: mark@thereedco.com

Anonymous said...

NEWS FLASH:  The Greek has weighed in on the question, whether he is indeed pictured above.  Here is e-mail I sent to The Greek, and his response:

-----Original Message-----
From: Lasimons4law@aol.com [mailto:Lasimons4law@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:59 PM
To: Regas, Chris
Subject: Greek


Is that you pictured in the photo I posted on the blog?

Check it out, # 21, blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


The Greek's response:

Could be....may be too good looking of a guy though!  Great memories you are digging up...thanks for plugging me in...Chris
*   *   *

Gentlemen, the blog Judges have reached a verdict.  The photo is deemed to be The Greek.  As we all know, The Greek had no competitors in the looks arena - Greek was a living god!  Which is rumored to be the reason he was nick-named The Greek.