Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.17 - Honoring Mark "Cheeks" Reed

Beta Pi:
Today is a fine day, for I anounce receipt of contacts from two of the "all time greats" of ATO:
Venerable Brother Mark "Cheeks" Reed: mark@thereedco.com
Venerable Brother Mark "The Rat" Darling: mldarling@comcast.net
I am posting an e-mail from Cheeks on today's blog.
The blog is a success thanks to brothers who continue to provide new e-mail addresses on other brothers. Commendations abound!
Todays photo honors Cheeks, entitled "The Amazing Cheek-un performs 'The Levitation' with D. Price and Doctor Phibes."
I have photos of The Rat from Olympic Tales, 1984, but regrettably they are not suitable for publication, because of the special attire required at Olympic Tales (or lack thereof).
Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Mark Reed, August 8, 2006:

Larry, Thanks for the contact. I appreciate your effort to track me down. I'll check out your blog. Keep me posted on any happenings...
I love all my ATO brothers!
Best regards,
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006
Email:  mark@thereedco.com

Anonymous said...

Letter from Marc Darling, August 3, 2006:

Dear Larry:

How unexpected it was to receive your transmittal. My email address is mldar1ing@comcast.net.

Confessing my ignorance over what a “blog” is outside of musing about Hart, and its definition as a web log, I would enjoy accessing the worn paths of communications on Tick-Lore on those evenings when I am just this side of comatose.

By copy of this letter to Dr. Fibes, Arms, Cheeks and Mr. Hodnette, I send my regards and hope all is well with them and their families, as I hope it is with yours. However, the record needs to be clarified. Pierce, so far as I know, was never “wimpy” he was “The Wimp.” The difference may be subtle but it is worthy of distinction. Wimpy suggests that as a general matter Pierce was a gummy bear and lacked backbone — nothing could be further from the truth. Monsieur Hodnette had plenty of backbone; it was just that at critical moments in time and space (like having a cigar in Chancellor Heard’s office), he would question his fortitude. Most men of great character would do the same, they just wouldn’t verbalize. A few of us had no such thoughts for we were devoid of concerns over self preservation and lacked in moral fiber. In sum, “The Wimp” was appropriately named but only because in the face of “great peril” and possible loss of life and liberty did his knees become rubber. The rest of the time he was as manly as you and others who should not be named.

I have your email and will hook up with you soon. When I do it will be from my office which carries a different e-mail address; however, it would be best to respond to my home address which is the e-mail address that I provided above.

Marc Darling

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Mark Reed, September 21, 2006:

"Larry, Thanks!
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006
Email:  mark@thereedco.com"