Monday, August 14, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.20 - Guest Blogmeister Vinnie Starr

Beta Pi:

The Guest Blogmeister is Vinnie Starr.

"Greeting all Beta Pi Tics:

Thought I'd resurrect a classic Tales pic with none other than Ken Mansfield princing. Unfortunately, as you can see he had a pretty motley crew to contend with. Some of the known knowns are Sean Walsh, Larry "The 3rd Stooge" Simons, one only known to me as Elliot Gould (or, the Well), Greg "Y'all" Qualls, Rod Yanker (whom I was honored to play Tales with at Vanderbilt less than a year ago), David Haines, and an unknown player rumored to be Sonny "Matt's favorite" Stephenson (just kidding). Observing the action is someone I recognize but cannot name (ala Ms. Rotier "I can't remember your name but I remember your face), and the Zelig-like Jimmy Grissett.

A future guest blog of mine will reveal a picture of Buck Biller and myself with our mutual date for ATO formal.

On an unrelated matter, I would like to put out an APB (all points bulletin) for the whereabouts and email of one of the great Beta Pi's, Chris "The Greek" Regas. This blog will really prove its worth if we come up with info on The Greek.

That's all for now on the guest appearance, and my thanks to Larry for this opportunity and for all his efforts in general.




Anonymous said...


Great picture!  As I recall, Mansfield was a Prince who ran a tight ship, and as a result, I was soon made "the well" in that game.  You can tell by the dazed and confused look on my face, that indeed, I was "well done."

Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Larrys suggestion, I have answered my own APB (along with Art Landry's help).

The Greek is in Jacksonville, FL (big surpride), owner or manager of a heavy equipment financing firm.  His email is

The APB has now been cancelled.

Anonymous said...

E-mail from The Greek to Steven Vinnie Starr, August 15, 2006:

Unbelievable! Surprised that our company filters didn't intercept this swill....... A  blogging Tic revival! Great work Vinnie, however your work will not be complete until you can find Meunch's great poem...."Chin on Taint"!  I see another reunion tails game in the son has introduced the tradition to the Naval Academy and parts unknown as well.....hope everyone is doing well...The Greek

Anonymous said...

E-mail from Steven Vinnie Starr, August 15, 2006:

Subject: The Greek Has been found!! RE: Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 20 - Guest Blogmeister Vinnie Starr!

The Greek has been found!!!!


Check out the Beta Pi blog started by Larry Simons.

How are you doing?

How's the heavy equipment financing business?


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Buck Biller, August 15, 2006:

"Kudos to Brother Starr for the uncovering of Chris "The Greek" Regas!  I believe we must now turn our collective attention towards the discovery of
long lost Brother Kenny "Harpo" Linden.  Last known sighting was in SFO.  I ran into Kay Emerson at the Newark Airport several years ago and I believe she might have an address.  Perhaps Miles can check that out for us?

PS- Observer in the Mansfield Tales pic in red might be Bob "Boy" Balatka, former nebuloid Schwimbag."

Buck Biller

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Marlon McGann, August 15, 2006:

Harpo is at 3000 Lake Creek Dr., Lewisville, TX 75077, 972-317-9192 but he didn't return my call.  I spoke with a women there twice, identified myself as a friend from Vanderbilt which she clearly identified, but got nothing in return.  After that when I called I got a fax machine.  Go figure.  Maybe we should all start calling, saying "hey Harpo" and hang up.  Can anyone explain a vague memory I have of "Wags" and some party he gave??  I know we pledged his son.

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Chip Heartfield, August 15, 2006:

Hey Vinnie,

That is Mark Adams standing with Grissett.  Now a doctor, cannot remember where.

FYI for all, last night Dick “Lick” Stoner and I had dinner with Mark McGann who now resides not too far from Terpland in Arlington VA.  Mark is doing amazingly well going into his 4th year of rehab from brain tumor/cancer (he denied this was a delayed effect of his poor hygiene and drinking habits in college), though he is still rebuilding the muscle in one leg and walks like a drunk.  Good alibi for a DWI stop, though.

There is a hoped-for get together and possible 6 person tales game scheduled for DC on Sept 5-6, along with attendance at a Nationals-Cardinals day game on the 6th.  Tentatively scheduled to date are myself, Lick if he can play hooky and his wife does not find out, Randy Martin, and McGann.  Additional hoped for attendees are David Haines, Pilot Fish Wharton and even Ken Mansfield if we can drag him away from the lake for a day or two.  Anyone else who wants to make the scene – we can get more tickets and Stoner and I can fit all who appear.  Grissett there is plenty of room out in the garage for you as well.


PS  For fun, type in Grissett and hit spell-check.

Anonymous said...

From Larry Simons, August 15, 2006:

I think that is Sean Walsh, seated just to the right of Ken Mansfield.  Sean, is that you?

Larry Simons

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Marc Darling (in response to Greek's e-mail, in which Greek tells of his son), August 16, 2006:

"Your son? You mean Stubby's son."

*   *   *  OUCH!

Anonymous said...


I am actually "Stooge 2" - and that is a fact (See 1974 Commodore, composite photo of ATO's shown in swimming pool, I am in fact listed as "Stooge 2").  You, old friend, are "Stooge 3."  This is corroborated by the fact that Buck, a.k.a.
"Stooge 1" and I both pledged Beta Pi as freshmen, in Spring '72.  You'll recall it was Buck and I who lobbied very hard in Sophomore Rush, 1973 to get you in to Beta Pi Chapter.  For the record, old friend.

Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72

Anonymous said...


Since you mentioned Rod Yanker, its imcumbent on you to get his e-mail address, and get him plugged in!

Larry Simons