Friday, September 1, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 32 - Honoring the Class of 76

Beta Pi:

I spoke with Buck yesterday, and he has committed to attending Vanderbilt's Reunion/Homecoming on October 20 - 22, 2006! I'm going to be there, because this year is my wife Ann's 30th Reunion (VU Nursing, Class of '76). Ann and I dated some during college, she was a Chi Omega. You may recall, Brother J.D. Strickland noe-mail@no-computer.con nick-named her "Young Ann" because of her youthful appearance.

NOTICE TO VU CLASS OF '76 BETA PI'S: your 30th Reunion is to be on October 20 - 22, 2006. Buck and I plan to be there, at your VU Reunion / Homecoming 2006, and we are going to roll out the Tic Red Carpet for you illustrious Brothers of Beta Pi who graduated Vanderbilt in 1976.

Let us know whether you'll be attending, so we'll know to be on the look out for you!

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at:

Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

Am pleased (or regret, depending on yr perspective) to inform you that I also plan to attend my 30th VU reunion with spouse Kathy Hunt Martin (VU Nursing, Class of '76).  Also have knowledge that one Lt Col (US Army retired) Charles M. (Ralph) McGibony and wife Jan "it will be a nice day if it doesn't rain" Cobbledick McGibony (VU Nursing, Class of '76) will be present also as will a certain Frank Collins.

In fact, saw Ralph and Jan at the VU/Michigan fb game in Ann Arbor 2 weeks ago.  Was mildly surprised and disappointed not to find any other ATO brothers there for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the 'Dores get thumped at the Big House.

Arthur Landry and my brother informed me of this blog and must admit I entered with more than a little skepticism but have found it curiously entertaining and more than a little nostalgic.  Wasn't it Vinny who warned us of the dangers of nostalgia?

Doug Martin

Anonymous said...

Right you are Doug.  What I said was, "Nostalgia is dangerous, unless you are certain of never seeing the object of your nostalgia again".  Obviously, I'm still in trouble because I've always been nostalgic about Wales Tales and sure enough, less than a year ago, I was playing a pretty decent game in the basement of the ATO house at Vanderbilt!!
