Monday, August 28, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.26 - Honoring Chet Brewer, Mark Reed and Earl Stover

Beta Pi:

My experiment with "IM" - instant messaging was a success! I received responses from Chet Brewer, Travis Parr, Steve Starr, Matt Hart, Mark McGann, John Stein, Don Scott, Doug Campbell, Tison Keel, Art Landry, Earl Stover, Mike McCarty, Matt Blankenship and Bob Aylward.

This IM thing intrigues me. When I set up this blog, it was supposed to be "connected" to IM, somehow. Supposedly, you can receive the blog by IM, and if you respond by IM, your response is "automatically" posted to the blog.

So, bear with me, here goes. To continue this "techno" experiment, I'm going to send the blog out by IM, for the first time. If you send a response by IM, it should automatically post to this blog - if everything is "wired" correctly. I am rubbing my hands together, and crossing my fingers.

Today's photo is a favorite, because it contains great shots of Chester Brewer, Mark Reed and Earl Stover. Chester was looking quite stylish, Mark Reed was uptown (after performing as "The Amazing Cheek-un"), and Earl Stover sported a classic look with his signature Stetson. Also pictured is SAE great David Dodson, a true friend of ATO.

To all of my Beta Pi brothers, it was an honor it was to be in your company that night!

This blog address is:


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

For those of us who can't remember, what were you two fighting about?

Anonymous said...

Matt:  Buck and I dreamed up the fight idea as a glory contest.  But then, Buck up'ed the stakes by publicly insulting my girlfriend.  That motivated me!

Anonymous said...

You mean, Chet "Gee it's great to be me" Brewer?  Or did you mean, Chet "I don't know everything but I know everything that's important" Brewer?


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Earl Stover, August 29, 2006:

"Yikes!!!!!  I can't believe someone actually took pictures in those days.  Remember blackmail is a no no for the crew of the Ship of Fools."

Anonymous said...

Who's the bozo in the boxing gloves?

Anonymous said...

To comrade "powales":  

I, Larry Simons, a.k.a. Bozo Lorenzo, a.k.a. Dozo Lorenzo, a.k.a. Bozino, etc., wish to respond to your question.  Thank you for your comment, we are honored.  Our curiosity is piqued!  Who are you "powales"?  You have so far managed to remain anonymous.  There has been speculation about who you are, perhaps the Rat, Phibes, Herb Ladley, D.W. Wilson, etc.  A Tick-Lo anonymously using the screen-name "powales" - obviously an acronym for Prince of Wales - perhaps best to remain a mystery.  Keep the comments coming, comrade!

Anonymous said...

OK Vinnie. I'll have to admit I don't everything I've just started to figure out this "blog" thing. Reguarding your scurrilous comment I can only guess that your nose spray addiction has made you mean in your old age.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chester:

Good to hear from you.  Actually, I always thought  the "gee, it's great to be me" and the "I don't know everything but I know everything that's important" were kind of cool.  I like that kind of in your face, I like myself attitude.  By the way, that last one reminds me of Dr. Ben W. Bolch saying in fron of statistics class "I'm not as intelligent as God but then I know everything He knew when He was my age".  

P.S. How is Lyons??


Anonymous said...

Hello Brother Starr.

Thank you for your nice reply.  Lyons is finally doing very well.  He is now married to his third wife (a wonderful girl from Atlanta) and lives happily in CT.  He is some sort of venture capitalist and now makes more money than all of his siblings combined.

I now live in a house not too far from the home that you and Brother Biller visited so many years ago.  There is plenty of room as the only other full-time resident is my Coon Hound, Rosie.  I would love to see any of my ATO brothers when visiting Palm Beach.

Some time when I have an hour to kill I will post regarding Buck's first encounter with my Sainted Mother.

All the best.
