Thursday, August 24, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25 - Pierce Hodnette Lowenstien Contest Entry

Beta Pi:

Venerable Brother Pierce Hodnette is the honoree today. Why? Because his comment is hilarious!

"I don't know anything about any Lowenstein. The thing I most remember about Alex was how he would come to the edge of the food room and announce, rather shyly, "lunch's on" or somethimes "eee lunch". Then we would run in like hungry wolverines. Alex and Laura were very loyal to the swimmers. They held back food for swimmers at night because the swimmers were always late for supper due to their daily practice. It always seemed that the swimmers got more to eat than the rest of us, but I can't prove that.

One night at supper I lofted a tater tot toward Jim Cordner at the back table. Unfortunately, it hit his girlfriend square in the face. Laura refused to serve tater tots after that. Jim Cordner's girlfriend was the kind of nice, smart girl that I wish my sons would be interested in. I would like to formally apologize to Jim Cordner, his girlfriend, everyone present that night, and to Alex and Laura. In retrospect, throwing that tot was the wrong thing to do.

Postscript: I accept the generous offer of the stooges to dine at their expense in 2009. Thanks for this opportunity to get the tater tot incident cleared up."

* * * *

That is exactly that type of comment that makes this Blog tick (no pun intended). Pierce, I admire you for that. You, my friend, are a gentleman worthy of respect.

In your honor Pierce, I am posting a photo from Olympic Tales in Nashville, 1984.

Long may you tread on the high road of here-and-now, and I look forward to seeing you in the far distant future, in the rustic mountain wilderness of the hereafter. I love you, Brother Pierce!

This blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

Brother Van Sayler has recentlty added 2 brothers to his Beta Pi E-mail Directory (see link on this Blog).  Beta Pi Blog welcomes these two fine brothers:

John Busch:
John Smith:

Thanks to Brother Van for expanding the Beta Pi Blog universe!

Anonymous said...

I am testing out the "IM" instant message function on my computer, trying to set up all Tics as "Buddies" - and I get this e-mail from Venerable Arms Aylward, August 24, 2006:

"I am getting this via my email.  Not certain how your IM component is different.  

First Blogs, and now IM.  You should get a new name as the Chief Technology Officer for Vanderbilt Beta PI."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I don't know anything about any Lowenstein. The thing I most remember about Alex was how he would come to the edge of the food room and announce, rather shyly, "lunch s'on" or somethimes "eee lunch".

Then we would run in like hungry wolverines. Alex and Laura were very loyal to the swimmers. They held back food for swimmers at night because the swimmers were always late for supper due to their daily practice. It always seemed that the swimmers got more to eat than the rest of us, but I can't prove that.

One night at supper I lofted a tater tot toward Jim Cordner at the back table. Unfortunately, it hit his girlfriend square in the face. Laura refused to serve tater tots after that. Jim Cordner's girlfriend was the kind of nice, smart girl that I wish my sons would be interested in.

I would like to formally apologize to Jim Cordner, his girlfriend, everyone present that night, and to Alex and Laura. In retrospect, throwing that tot was the wrong thing to do.

Postscript: I accept the generous offer of the stooges to dine at their expense in 2009. Thanks for this opportunity to get the tater tot incident cleared up."