Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.23 - Honoring Matt Blankenship

Beta Pi:

This blog has been in existence only 17 days, and it is doing quite well! Over 550 hits. Brothers Steven Starr, Van Sayler , Matt Blankenship, Randy Martin, Pierce Hodnette, and Zeke Floose have logged on and entered uncensored comments, directly to the blog. Thanks to those brothers for "interacting"! You, dear brother, should check out their comments.

My great friend and Brother Matt Blankenship has managed to keep his music alive over the years. Matt is a fine guitarist, he and I played guitars alot together, and we put on a few live radio guitar shows on WRVU, Vanderbilt's "hip" FM Station. Friday nights, they had a show that featured various live singer/songwriter-types. I volunteered to play, and Matt backed me up, with guitars, vocals and a synthesizer (which - being a "double E" - he built himself). Bottom line, we had a ton of fun! At our best, we also appeared on that show with a whole Revue of players including Adolph Groves and his Band Togetherness (of which I was also a member) - including Adolph's backup singers! True story.

In honor of Matt, I'm posting a photo he sent me recently, from his 50th Birthday. Matt is pictured on the left, in the esteemed company of guitarist Van Wilks (recently opened for ZZ Top), Chris Layton (drummer in Double Trouble), and guitar hero Dave Seebree.

Matt, I love you, Brother!

This blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks Larry.  I'm honored.  Lots of great playing memories at Vandy with you.

Now this picture....hmmm....What a bunch of old guys.  Probably played blues and classic rock......But don't they look well preserved!
