Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.18 - Honoring Marc "The Rat" Darling

Beta Pi:
Thanks to the miracle of technology, I was able to electronicaly "crop" the photo from Olympic Tales, 1984 to crop out the offending images of partially clad Frank J. Biller, thus making possible the internet publication herein.
This photo cropping is posted in honor of Marc "The Rat" Darling
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Frank Biller, August 10, 2006:

"If the mystery of the correspondent "powales" has not yet been solved, I might hazard a guess:

Who could in deference to the estimable powers of concentration, judiciousness, compassion, fairness, rightiousness, quaffability, bladder control and general ability to see clearly when others can't would have the mendacity to simply refer to themselves as "powales" nee Prince of Wales?  

Many are called and few can answer.  I will set forth only a few of those rare men among us who knew the difference between drinking as a means to and
end and drinking as an end in itself.  My list is by no means comprehensive and is not meant to cast aspersions upon those fine Princes under who's
hands I shared the table who's names do not appear on my list.  With all apologies to those Princes past and present I will ask:

Is "powales" possibly D.W. Wilson, Ken Mansfield, Miles Walsh or Herb Ladley?

Respectfully submitted,
Frank J. "Buck" Biller

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Van Sayler, August 10, 2006:

"posting these pictures is great.  We need to get others to put some up.
thanks for doing this

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from J. Neal Crenshaw, August 10, 2006:

"You are a big time lawyer now...

Do you do EEO cases?

I met a buddy of yours in Korea in 1982 or 3... He was a bird skin collector."

My response to J. Neal:


I used to do discrimation, but I don't now.  EEO to me now is like "ee-i-ee-i-o"

Who is the mystery collector of bird skin?

I miss you, old friend.


Anonymous said...


"Ratso Rizzo:  You know, in my own place, my name ain't Ratso. I mean, it just so happens that in my own place my name is Enrico Salvatore Rizzo.

Joe Buck: Well, I can't say all that.

Ratso Rizzo: Rico, then."