Thursday, August 3, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.15 - Honoring Steve Starr and Frank Biller

Beta Pi:
My best friends in the world are Steve "Vinny" Starr and Frank "Buck" Biller. They have been there for me all these years since we graduated in 1975. That is how much ATO has meant to me.
In 2003, Vinny and Buck and I had a "Stooge Reunion" in Chicago. It was so much fun! Vinny had a limo to carry us around town. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton. I've attached a picture of Vinny reading his favorite magazine in the limo. The other picture is of us having a great dinner together at Nick's in Chicago.
We hurl insults at each other for fun and laughs, but I tell you this: Buck and Vinny are more than ATO brothers, they are brothers to me. I was fortunate to pledge ATO, and made several friends in ATO, and of course, I love all of my ATO brothers.
Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72


Anonymous said...

Dozo Lorenzo:
Vinny is obviously continuing to attempt to "live his dream" - being a Hugh Hefner CLONE!
Zeke Floose
Beta Pi '72

Anonymous said...

Beta Pi Readers:  I received a cryptic response from unknown sender, screen name "powales."

Obviously, this means Prince of Wales.  Here is what I received:

Comment from: powales
"Is that Buck driving the limo?"

First, to answer the question, no that is not Buck driving the limo.  Actually, Buck did not make it to the appointed meeting place on time at O'Hare Airport, so he missed that particular limo ride.

Now, I'm putting to the brotherhood:  post your guess, who is "powales"?

My guess:  Herb Ladley