Thursday, December 6, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.60 - George Joe Unearthed

Beta Pi:

E-MAIL PUBLICATION POLICY CHANGE: This e-mail contains only the written content of "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. To see the entire blog, which includes pictures and links, and Archives of previous issues, you must go to Beta Pi Blog on the web by clicking on .

GEORGE LOO JOE, M.D., UNEARTHED: On a tip from Boss Stein , informing that George L. Joe , one of the super-greats of 1973, is practicing medicine in Birmingham, I checked the Vandy Online Directory - and got info on Doctor Joe. George was Worthy Master in 1973 and made a big impression on me. George is Medical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine at Carraway Methodist Medical Center. George’s home number is (205)954-1205.

Beta Pi Blog welcomes Dr. George L. Joe!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 71 of whom have e-mail addresses. A goofy poem, to celebrate finding Doctor Joe:

Here’s hoping that

Doctor Joe

Is not a Reunion 2008



Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM BOSS STEIN, December 6, 2007:

"George Joe, I can still taste the great food that you used to bring back Sunday nights to the House after a weekend home.   I also remember when Fotch decked the Duke Tight End in V.U. Law School who got after George in an I.M. football game.  His name will come to me.....of Middle eastern descent.....a real jerk.   Fotch cold-cocked him.  It was a thing of beauty, over before he knew it.   One of my fondest ATO memories.   jfs"

Anonymous said...

FROM TISON KEEL, December 7, 2007:
"Nice to hear from George!  I have a fond memory of a buzz-killing bad decision I made that involved George.  My soph year Shipwreck was held at the mystic Riding Stables (can't recall the exact name) located somewhere in the outer reaches of Nashville.  (It was a great venue, and one we used more than once.)  I was concerned about finding my way home after likely exposure to artificials, and hit upon the seemingly good idea of requesting to ride to the party with what I thought to be our Serious, Virtuous, and never-seen-stumbling-drunk Worthy Master, George Joe.  I relaxed and enjoyed the evening, secure in the comfort that I had a safe ride home in the days before the Designated Driver.  However, I overlooked the value of experience when drinking and driving.  Seeing that it was brother George's Senior Shipwreck, he must have decided to cut loose, because the trip home was like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride on steroids!  I mean literally, we were weaving back and forth across the center line and onto the shoulder, recalling  high school Driver's Ed movies in which carefree teens are turned into bloody hamburger.  My date, Marsha, and I were virtually lying down in the back seat, and not due to the amorous intentions I had upon entering the vehicle, but cringing and cowering as low as possible hoping not to be decapitated the inevitable fiery collision.  Amazingly, we avoided other vehicles, stationary objects, and even Nashville's Finest and arrived back on campus, although I swear I was stone cold sober and limp as a noodle.  I had to take Marsha home and start drinking again to get to sleep.
Thanks for the memorable ride, Brother George!"

TO TISON:  You were way ahead of me - back then, I must have felt "invincible" -finding a "designated" or "safe" driver was the furthest thing from my lame brain.  Larry

Anonymous said...

"Tison, hard to believe that version.  Not the George that I know.

Re. the episode that I recalled and passed along yesterday....the name of the Ex Duke Tight End that Fotch leveled was Nadar Badoun.

I fully expect  that Fotch can still throw that punch.   jfs"

Anonymous said...

T PARR WEIGHS IN, December 7, 2007:
  Tell Fotch we are all glad he was on our side--- and that any good ole Tennessee boy should be able to handle himself especially when fueled by Mr. Jack Daniels as often was the case!!!

Anonymous said...

The venue Keel is talking about I believe was not Shipweck but a "formal" event and the band played some early Yes numbers and if I remember correctly it was very cold and everyone was toast.  Wasn't this place on top of some hill across the river?  Like Boss, I can not envision George wasted or at least blatant about it.  Very reserve and noble fellow.


Anonymous said...

The famed venue was Riverwood Riding Stables and Ranch - or Riverview .   .  . river-something.  Very cold that night  - but the band was indeed hot, and we were invincible.  a fine memory!

Anonymous said...

"My Dear Fellow Ticklors,
On the eve of the year of our Lord 2 thousand and 8 I have had a feeling of great pride swelling up in my bosom.  At first I thought it was the 'Fish Burrito' special I ate today at Rudy's Tacos (washed down with 13 chilly Corona's and a 1/2 dozen
shots of Patron).  But when I awoke from my 'afternoon nap' at 8:45 PM face down on the living room/dining room/kitchenette floor of my dingy 1 bedroom apartment here in Davenport, Iowa, I realized that I had been witness to one of the great acts of Patriotism in the 20th Century, performed by our beloved (if at times unintelligible) fraternity Brother and former WM Douglas'Fotch' Campbell and recently remembered in this forum.

As recalled so eloquently by Brother Boss Stein, Brother Fotch laid out the miscreant, social mis-fit Sigma Chi Nadar Badouin.  Little did we know at the time that 'Nadar' (if that is his real name!) might have been a member of an advance guard of Al-Quada sent to America to infiltrate Sigma Chi and establish a strategic secret cell in the cultural heartland of America  aka 'Music City USA'.  The devious nature of these sand-devils knows no bounds.  (Continued)

Anonymous said...

"We can only thank the keen instinct of Brother Fotch, honed in the crucible of wit and raw nerve that is east Tennessee to somehow sense this unwanted intruders true colors and send him packing to the sand dunes from whence he came.  

I salute Brother Fotch- Ticklor, Tennessean and True Patriot.  In celebration of Brother Fotch's unheralded act of Patriotism, I have included for your review a recent video of political commentary that I think speaks to thoughtful Americans
everywhere of real solutions for the war on terror.  You will recognize in the commentator ('The Big Man') a slight nuance  of swagger and sensibility that is often associated with natives of Brother's Matt Hart, Don Scott, Scott Sheapard and Conrad Petersen's Eastern Regional roots.  

Please enjoy (and I urge you to critically consider) 'Bat Day'.

Frank J. 'Buck' Biller"

TO BUCK:  Yes, "Bat Day" is hilarious, but un-postable on this site, due to there being only 6 non-vulgar words in the video.