Monday, December 17, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.62 - Noel, Noel, Jo-el!

Beta Pi:

E-MAIL PUBLICATION POLICY CHANGE: Warning -if you thought that this "e-mail" is the "blog" - it is not. This e-mail contains only the written content of "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so you must "Click on" the web address: .

Do it now, I beseech you.

Brando as "Jor-el"

NOEL, NOEL, JO-EL! - BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES JOEL KADARAUCH: So, it was last Friday, I’m perusing the "comments" posted on blog issue #60, when - what to my surprise - there is a comment from screen-name "itchybrother75". Of course, I suspected this must be none-other-than Joel Kadarauch. Here is the comment:

"Itchy Brother to Tic-a-lors.....Itchy Brother to Tic-a-lors..............come in please. I could not resist piping up, as your mention of my beloved Round House brought tears to my eyes. Happy Holidays!"

Talk about making my day! Its not everyday that a comment appears under an anonymous screen name. There being no connecting e-mail address, I surfed the internet on Joel’s name, zeroed in on him - but came up with no e-mail link.

However, I learned a few choice facts. Joel was recently named to the board of directors of Odom Corporation, and apparently is doing well in the beer business in Alaska. Joel’s name also popped up in connection with folk festivals and mandolins in Alaska - very cool - and there is a link to a band Joel played with (on the right) which has pictures - but still no e-mail address. Undaunted, I resorted to contacting Joel by telephone, and left a voice message. That evening, to my utter delight, I got an e-mail message from Joel

, divulging his e-mail address:

"Indeed it is, and I can enjoy the blog in anonymity no more.

Try (e-mail address)

We’’ll have to catch up, Larry. I was talking to Mike Noble the other day about you, Gib-stone and the Tic-a-lors!

- Joel"

Joel, many great memories hanging with you in Mims Hall and the Tick House, playing guitars. I remember freshman year, there was a "coffee house" event in the lounge at Mims Hall, several wanna-be-folk-singers-in-residence - including you and me - played songs to the delight of a contingent of coeds. I remember you did a very difficult solo, a Stephen Stills song (I think). I also remember fondly your oft-repeated exclamation, "Jom-Bo" (and its derivative "jom-bo-lita!)

Welcome aboard, Itchy!


: Be the first brother to tell the tale of how Joel got the nickname "Itchy" and win a Cousin Maylene Fruit Cake. Second Place prize: Moon Pie & RC Cola. Third Place: honorable mention in the Gallery of Buffoons.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

This is verification for Larry's sake if no one else's,  that the tic-a-lors do know what a blog is,  and some of us even know how to post a response, whether or not it offers and true value to the group.    This one is only intended to give Larry a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that his brothers do care !!

Jim Grissett and I have been in touch and we are trying to get pledge trainer Heartfield to come up with the digital version of the " Sue and Duke"  movie that the pledge class played for the actives in 1977.   I think we paid $10 each to get in to "movie night",  and this helped raise money for new couches at the ATO House.    The problem was that Duke was a German Shepherd,  and Sue was a previously attractive blond.    Jim noted that he still has problems looking at German Shepherds.

The 1978 graduates   ( most of us were ATO pledges in 1975 with pledgemaster McGibbony)  do plan to have a good showing at Vandy reunion in 2008.

Larry,  thanks for all that you do.   Most of us may hit delete too quickly,  but hopefully we all know the difference between the blog and the email notice that you send !!!

Happy Holidays

Anonymous said...

TO STONER:  Well I would not feel so - all alone, EV-ry bo-dy must get stoned!

Anonymous said...

FROM XBG NEAL CRENSHAW (in Southeast Asia), December 14, 2007:
"In da pic:

Rohitha Bogollagama, Foreign Minister on the right

Mahinda Rajapaksa, President, center

These guys used to come to the house once a week and drink scotch and listen to C&W w/me.... Being politicians, and ostensibly "devout" buddhists, they couldn't drink openly in public..."

TO J. NEAL:  Neal - your note makes me think maybe you are having a wierd dream that you can't wake up from - what in hells bells is the foriegn intrigue?  Kidding - Merry Christmas, or rather Merry Rajapaksa, Merry whatever

Anonymous said...

FROM JACK MUENCH, December 14, 2007:
"Some big names here--and note the author."

TO MUENCHIE:  Slate is an awesome website, and I'd say Donald Fagan is a credible historian of Delta Blues.  I'm putting the Slate link up next to your name, since you discovered it.

Anonymous said...

Awesome video taken while skiing in Alaska, with the mighty "Ski Dog"!  Great music.  Thanks Joel, Merry Christmas.
Link on the right.

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, December 20, 2007:
"Dear Tic Brothers,
Glad to hear of the discovery of Brother Joel "Itchy" Kadarauch.  A hearty "Yambo" to you Brother Itchy.  The conventional wisdom regarding Brother Itchy's migration to Alaska is that he heard about the "Alaskan Pipeline" and thought it might be an enormous communal bong.  Many a fortune has been won and lost on lesser notions.  Welcome to the "Tic nation on the email station" Brother Itchy.
Frank J. "Buck" Biller
Founder and COO "No Shrew Left Behind"
Serving the slightly overweight neurotic divorcee community in the upper midwest since 2003."

Anonymous said...

FROM DICK STONER, December 20, 2007:

"and the blog comments moved Jim Grissett to call me this evening!   honestly !!

See,  it is doing great things to keep the ATO brothers in touch with one another.

Now I only ask  what can we do about Buck Biller and the northwest slightly overweight divorcee community?
I hope that he will attend reunion with the 1978 graduates in 2008.

I plan to see C. Heartfield as well as Mark McGann within the week ahead,  and we'll be making plans for 2008!

I'll keep you posted on my tech skills, too.   Had we had the blog in 2004,  I would have known to contact you when I was in Nashville over a six month period to open CoStar service, a database that commercial realtors use to find available space in retail,  office and industrial properties.   I met some great folks in the Nashville commercial real estate firms,  NAI Matthews,  Cherry & Associates, Colliers and Nashville Commercial.   I am no longer with CoStar, having chosen a to move to a regional database that serves the mid-atlantic states.

Cheers, and Happy Holidays

Dick Stoner

TO DICK:  Thanks for your kind comments.  Regarding Buck, I spoke with him yesterday, he is approaching the whole dating scene very thoughtfully .  .  . though I'm not certain which head does his thinking.  

Anonymous said...

FROM XBG NEAL CRENSHAW, December 20, 2007:
"Bro Itch:

Do ya still have that beautiful sunburst Gibson J-200 I think I remember? I still have my J 50. It surely did age well.

