Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Christmas e-Card and poem

Lawrence A. Simons

Rutherford, DeMarco & Simons

Suite 400, Washington Square

214 Second Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37201

Merry Christmas,

and a Happy


Larry & Ann Simons,

William, Maggie

& Andrew

Christmas Poem

Noel sings to the Evergreen tree,

My friend - I love your lush deep green

It warms me, I am covered in Snow.

Evergreen whispers to Noel,

When the Winter Wind touches me

I can feel your love, I know it is Christmas Season.

Winter Wind calls to the Evergreen

I felt the breath of the Carolers’ song

So I knew I must visit you.

Carolers sing of Peace on Earth

And I am weeping,

I pray for an end to War.

Evergreen heard this and said - let me pray with you,

I will be green until Peace comes.

Winter Wind saw this and wept for joy.

And Noel was so moved she became colder,

And the tears that Winter Wind shed

Turned into falling Snow.

Then Snow and Winter Wind and Evergreen said to Noel,

Without you, we are lost - pray with us - for the War persists.

Noel prayed. Lord what can we do but pray?

Peace on Earth, goodwill to men.

Larry Simons



Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, December 30, 2007, part I:
"Happy New year you Ticklors.  
I am leaving at zero-dark-thirty tomorrow to go spend New Year's eve in NYC with my 3 kids (I have one of each).  I wanted to share a few last observations with you in case I get really loaded in Times Square and my kids decide (In lieu of insurance money)to sell me into white slavery to some neurotic, slightly overweight divorcee's of Arab oil sheiks and I am unable to communicate with
you ever again because I am held in bondage against my will in the sub-basement of a ritzy South Florida beach house and only trotted out to perform at the sacred "licking of the shrews" ceremony during Ramadan.    

I was just in the library reading the latest issue of Esquire when I came across a great quote in the "What I know" section from Buck O'Neil (the great old "Negro Leagues" catcher) that made me think of our Dr. Phibes- Mathew J. "Don't call me Hart" Hart. (Continued)

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, December 30, 2007, Part II:
".   .   .  Matt has taken a lot of crap over the years for being a kind of a cold hearted SOB (particularly from the younger Tics).  Granted, some of it is deserved.  Matt's long time buddy Nate was reminiscing about his boyhood friend at a reunion several years back and kindly (but accurately) characterized Matt as "General Patton".  

All that being said, Matt gave us one thing that every one (except me) has to give him credit for-  Nicknames. (Note:  I made my own up before anybody else could do it for me).  Matt made sure that no matter what kind of a scurrilous scumbaggio we threw up in our demented beer and herbal addled lust to add to and/or maintain our twisted Ticklor lineage they all got Nicknames.  Case in point:  The Vinegar-Vin-Vinnie Starr story.

So here is Buck O'Neil's quote:

"A nickname means you belong".  

Thanks Matt.  You made us all feel (If even for a short while) like we belonged.

Happy New Year to you Ticklors!  

Closed circuit to Matt:  My Hilton Honors number is 073049592 in case you would like to show a little appreciation for my groveling and drop a few hundred thousand miles in my account."

TO BUCK:  So Buck, following O"Neil's logic, since you made up your own nick-name, that would nulify the validity of your "belonging", no? (kidding)

Anonymous said...

FROM MATT BLANKENSHIP, December 30, 2007:
"Happy New Year Larry!

I got your call a while ago and apologize for not calling back yet.  The
holidays got in the way I'm afraid.

I have a quick question for you.  I am on the Blog page, but I don't see
how to enter a new entry.  What do I do to post a new entry?  Seems like
it would be easy, but then again, it is AOL.

Tell Ann hi for me and give her a hug.


TO MATT:  Happy New Year, to you & Mimi!  You are right, they did not make it very easy - only a handful of Ticks have gone to the trouble to get set up for posting comments.  I think you have to get a "sceen name" - I've never done it.  Somehow, you click your way to "How to post Comments", and go through the hurdle of keying in a screen name, or something.  Pierce Hodnette could help - he figured it out.  Hey, I hope 2008 is good to you old friend!