Friday, November 30, 2007

BLUES BULLETIN - November 30, 2007

Yo! Blues lovers -

I’m taking an informal poll. What’s your preference for BYOG 2008 - spring, summer or fall? Send me your preference - I’m posting all preferences at Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.58. When all preferences are in, the BYOG Steering Committee (BYOG 2007 Attendees and wives) will confer, deliberate and render a proclamation.

It dawned on me that interest in BYOG is not limited to Tick-a-lors. Here’s why:

Matt Blankenship has a close guitar friend (non-ATO) / professional musician who plays blues festivals, who might be into BYOG;

Jack Muench tells me of a guitar friend he has who would be into BYOG;

Frank Biller - guitar journeyman extra ordinaire - has told me of a guitar chum he knows who could dig in to BYOG;

Chester Brewer is Clarksdale born and raised, he’s a natural for BYOG;

Elizabeth - Chet’s younger sister, and fabulous honorary ATO "Little Sister" (not to mention that she’s "hot") is into the blues, and she (and husband) live in West Point, Mississippi (a scant 3 hours? from C’dale);

Bob Aylward is Pace, Mississippi born and raised, he loves the Delta and the blues, and he actually showed up at Abe’s Bar-b-que to party-down with us! Q!

Frank Collins was ever-so-close to committing to BYOG, and his taste for blues is impeccable;

Other Tick-a-lors who have expressed interest in BYOG: XBG Neal Crenshaw, Art Landry, Mark McGann, Travis Parr, Bob Smoot, Steven Starr, GeorgeTomlinson, Rod Yanker

Odie and Lillie, our Jack Russell Terriers, attended BYOG - and they loved it! This was possible only because Ann and I stayed at our blues apartment (where pets are welcome). Unfortunately, Big Pink Guesthouse, Little Pink and Honey Hill all have "no pets" rules. However, Honey Hill has a barn - so if you are cool with your dogs staying nights in the barn - bring ‘em. Sorry, no meerkats or ferretts. Vinny, Fuad has been banned.

Did you know? Other Tick-a-lor’s play instruments:

Marc Darling (the musical whip-that-spins),

George M-LINK Ford (animalistic grunting rhythms),

Matt Hart (human flame),

Tison Keel (kazoo),

Ken Linden (subliminal blues vocals, a la Mr. Subliminal),

Clyde Noel (donuts for musicians),

Ben Pedigo (banjo extra ordinaire, mandolin, guitar, vocals - the man does it all!),

Jeff Perout (the Wet Willie),

Bill Price (boom box),

Mark Reed (the foot),

Chris Regas (stompin’),

Boss Stien (musical wads-o-cash),

Dick Stoner (gets stoned!),

Earl "Judge" Stover (hambone),

Sean "MR. G-MAN" Walsh (musical guns),

Chad "Waz" Weiss (submarine saxophone),

Schmeat (bone-a-phone),

Chuck Wharton (musical face),

David Haines (blues sarcasm)

So - we’re opening up the next BYOG to include not just wives/girlfriends of Tick-a-lors, but also friends of Tick-a-lors. If there’s a good turn-out, who knows - we may open it up to circus performers. Who was the Tick-a-lor who juggled - I forgot his name? Feel free to forward this e-mail to friends.



Anonymous said...

"Now Larry,
Surely you gest! Thank you for the compliment, but I don't think I qualify for that description!
And, I'm not sure exactly what BYOG stands for - elucidation please! (Whoops - just occurred to me it may be secret code or something!)
West Point is 2.4 hours from Clarksdale and Chet and I still have some wonderful relatives in Clarksdale.
Glad to hear about Bob Smoot, and Bob Awlward. Tison Keel emailed me after several years - we actually went to the same church in Gladstone NJ.
And what about Gene Young? was that his name - do you know where he is these days?
Forgot about Bill Price - I think one of my sorority sisters was favorably impressed with him at one point.
And where is JD?"

TO ELIZABETH:  BYOG stands for "bring your own guitar" - no secret.  Gene Young is alive and kicking - runs the world's best wire products company - in Kirkwood, Missouri.  Bill Price is practicing law in West Palm Beach - his wife of 25 years died recently, but he is hanging in there.  JD does not have a computer, thus no e-mail, however he still lives in Cullman, Alabama (with his mother) - still goes to all the Vanderbilt games (its like JD is frozen in time, he hasn't changed, still acts like a 19 year old. ).  Hey, you should kick Chester into joining us, and you & your husband should too.

Anonymous said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, December 3, 2007:
"Would the "no pets" rule at Honey Hill and Big Pink preclude me bringing along my new girlfriend Wanda (she only stripped to work her way through beauty school).

Don't forget the "Asian Invasion from the Far-East Nation" X Neal Crenshaw in BYOG plans.  If a group of us Tic-players could commandeer a charter to the home of our ex-pat brother, he has beaucoups plenty-good Strats and Les Paul's hanging on his wall for all us Yankee boys to party down at the Crenshaw Manor."

TO BUCK:  "Behave!"  - yeah, an XBG Neal foriegn excursion would be the ultimate.  He has a private compound with a pool!

Anonymous said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, December 3, 2007:

THE SPRING is best for me because I live in the Big Easy from just before Christmas until mid - May... then its back to the lake house in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, December 3, 2007:
"Count me in.  I have two guitars - neither of which do I play with much aplomb.  Is there a Blue Moon next year?  If so, that's when we should re-convene.  


TO FRANK:  Shine on!

Anonymous said...

DICK STONER - DC BLUES FAN, December 3, 2007:
"I know Tics only have premium quality HAMS,   but didn't know about the spam.

Greetings to you and your family.   As a DC area blues fan,  I hope to make the MS trip someday.

Heartfield and Don Scott still give me trouble about " Frenchy"  who grew up in Tallahatchie County, MS --  her real name is Lilian Lee Buford -----   and I'll have to go look her up someday when she is retired to their plantation.

Our local artist Cathy Ponton King just released a CD called "Undertow"    Check it out when you have time!

Dick Stoner"

TO DICK STONER:  Dick - Glad to know you're a blues fan - hope you will make it to Clarksdale.  Larry

Anonymous said...

FRANK BILLER'S PREFERENCE, Received Nov.28, 2007:
"Girls tend to wear less clothes in the summer, so i would have to go with summer."