Friday, December 7, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.61 - Boss Stein, Come on Down!

Beta Pi:

E-MAIL PUBLICATION POLICY CHANGE: Warning - some Tick-a-lors have erroneously thought that this "e-mail" is the "blog" - it is not. An e-mail is sent out when the blog is published, as a way to promote the blog - but the e-mail is not the actual blog. This e-mail contains only the written content of "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. If you ain’t seen the web site, you ain’t seen nothin’! To see the entire blog, which includes pictures and links, and Archives of previous issues, you must go to a "web-site" called "Beta Pi Blog" on the web by clicking on this web address: .

BOSS STEIN, COME ON DOWN!: I had the pleasure of having lunch with John Stein

today. Much to report. John and wife Beth have a 17-year-old son, Tyler, who is a senior at University School Nashville, and so John is getting into the whole college application thing. John is President of Bank of America, and we had lunch at the Hermitage. Boss and I share a few hobbies, bicycling and guitars. So now that I know that Boss has a guitar, he is fair game for BYOG attendance pressure.

And now . . . Tick-a-lo news from The Boss. It was great hearing Boss talk of days-o-yore. Boss told me that he, Fotch

, and Thomas McCown , met up with Matt Hart

in New York City - within a few years after Matt graduated - and I will not repeat the story, because Boss is going to pen it, and I hope it will soon appear as a blog feature, complete with a photo Boss has.

Reminiscing about Heaven Lee, Boss corroborated the tale of that historic event in the annals of Tick-a-lo history, when Brother Jeff Overby - managed to bring the famed Printers' Alley Exotic Dancer to have luncheon at the ATO House. The brothers were all quite well mannered, and the great Ms. Lee enjoyed the dining experience under the watchfull eye of Laura Wilson. Recalling the amazement of the brothers, at how in the world the JeffMiester pulled that one off - who knew -

Boss was unable to say, and neither am I, so Overby’s reputation as international playboy is beyond reproach, as far as we know.

Boss also recalls running into a non-Tick here in Nashville, several years ago, named Steve Gibson, a.k.a "Gib-stone" the guitar-god who lived in "the round house" just off campus. Ah yes, I also remember making many trips to the round house, to hang out and listen to Gibson play guitar, and he was kind enough to show me a few things - he taught me the tricks Randy Scruggs used in playing his open-tuning version of "Both Sides Now" which was a track on the famed "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" record - I was thrilled! Vanderbilt Police Officer Donny Lattig was also a frequent visitor of the round house, as was Joel Kadarauch and Ben Pedigo

. Anyway -Boss met Gib-stone years later - Gibson a Nashville Producer - in his capacity as "Banker to the Stars."

Boss is heading up the 2008 Reunion effort for the entire Class of 1973 (no joke), so one of the other ‘73 ATO greats will be rounding up the Dudes-o-‘73 for ATO ReunionFest ‘08, which will play out in the parallel universe known only as "Tick-le-dom" - simultaneously with Vanderbilt Reunion ‘08. Boss sends a big "shout-out" hello out to all Tick-a-lo’s.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 71 of whom have e-mail addresses. Get e-mail addresses to me! Expand the known Tick-a-lor universe!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

JEFF-MIESTER OVERBY UPDATE, December 10, 2007:  I just spoke with Jeff-Miester by phone - Jeff is doing well, and is dispensing justice in Key West.  Jeff sends his best regards to the boys.  Jeff, great talking with you, Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

From Boss Stein, December 10, 2007:
"One correction , Larry.  The NYC trip of long ago to connect with Matt Hart was with McCown and Fotch, not the Rat....however, he  and the Propeller, certainly would have been more than welcome.    jfs"

TO BOSS MAN:  This typo can only be truly rectified by you writing the tale - which now most certainly must be told.

Anonymous said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, December 10, 2007:
"All Tic's Bulletin:
 I distinctly recall that said Overby's Ticlor nickname was
"Alexander Monday" due to his uncanny abilities and skills as portrayed & demonstrated by actor Robert Wagner on a TV show of our era!

Jeff was also our Grand Poobah Master Bridge player of all Vanderbilt attendees.

Anonymous said...

FROM XBG NEAL CRENSHAW, December 10, 2007:
"He was a damn good bridge player..."

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, December 11, 2007:
"I believe he also introduced us young-un's to backgammon...  And Heaven Lee of course... at lunch no less.  Or was it dinner?  Who cares?  There she was in the Tick Mansion eating mystery meat... so to speak."

TO FRANK:  I think we had "Pony Peckers" for lunch that day?

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK J. BILLER, December 11, 2007:
"Dr. Jeff Overby, Ticklor Ambassador to the Exotic Dancing Community"

TO BUCK:  Dr. Jeff Overby, Professor of Printers' Alley Studies

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, December 12, 2007:
"and all these years I thought they were corn dogs."

TO FRANK:  I think corn dogs had another nickname, but I forget it.  In my recollection, "Pony Peckers" was the nickname we gave to polish sausage links Alex used to serve.  I think.

Anonymous said...

Itchy Brother to Tic-a-lors.....Itchy Brother to Tic-a-lors..............come in please.  I could not resist piping up, as your mention of my beloved Round House brought tears to my eyes.  Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

FRANK COLLINS UPDATE, December 13, 2007:
"Sounds right to me...  BTW, we are moving to Pennsylvania early next year.  I got promoted to run a collection of offices for Merrill Lynch in Central Pennsylvania,  It's a big step up for a lot of reasons.  We'll live in the Harrisburg area.  The kids were told tonight.  The 14 year old wants to punch me out (don' worry, she's a lady and hasn't forgotten that fact), but the other two are good with it.  Most of all, it puts me about 150 miles closer to BYOG."

TO FRANK:  Congratulations on your promotion!  Moving the entire family to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is a big event - give my best to Mary, and hope you and your clan have a very Merry Christmas!  VTL, Larry

Anonymous said...

Joel, is that you?  we need your e-mail address to link up.
Merry Christmas to you too!