Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol. 2006, No 33 - Honoring Alex & Laura

Beta Pi:

Today's Beta Pi Blog honors Alexander Wilson and his Wife, Laura.

My fondest memory of Alex is that he was truly a spiritual man. I have known only a few people whom I believe are spiritual - and Alex is one of them - because when I stood next to him, I could literally feel there was something that set him apart from others, his spirit, his love.

I could feel this in my heart every evening when Alex would lead us in prayer. Do you remember, how awesome it felt right before dinner, when Alexander Wilson would lead us in prayer?

Lord of Mankind, Master Divine,
Keep us pure in heart and mind.
And so that we may know Thee,
Thy presence show,
Guard and guide us, ATO.

There is an essay contest posted at Issue No. 24, called The Legend of Lowenstein Essay Contest - but it really should be named the Alexander Wilson Essay Contest, because essayists must include memories of Alex. So far, Pierce Hodnette is the only one among you who "got it" and entered an essay, which is quite good. Check it out. You can do this. Go to Archives, Issue No. 24, and post an entry. The deadline is September 15th.

Here is a scan of the photo of Alex and Laura which appears in the 1973 Commodore. Be well.


Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Chip Heartfield, September 7, 2006:


I was an acolyte growing up and went to an Episcopal prep school so have known my share of religious folks, but your description of Alex as spiritual and of standing next to him and physically feeling it is exactly what I experienced, and it was amazing.  Knowing him was truly a privilege.
