Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.34 - Smoke Em Vandy

Beta Pi:

I had a very enjoyable telephone chat with

Venerable Pierce Hodnette this morning. Pierce is well, still playing guitar, and planning to attend his next VU Reunion (for Class of '74 in 2009) with his wife!

CONTEST UPDATE: At present, Pierce is front-runner in the Legend of Lowenstein Essay Contest (see Issue No. 24, in Archives), and if judged the winner, Pierce and wife will be wined and dined by The Three Stooges at Flemmings, on the Friday Night of his Reunion weekend.

REUNION UPDATE: This year, the notorious VU Class of 1976 is "reuning" (if that's a word) on October 20 - 22, 2006! I'm planning to be there, if for no other reason it's my wife Ann's 30th Reunion. And, it will be a party, because Buck Biller and Karen have committed to attend. I hypnotized Buck: ". . . you love attending Vanderbilt Homecoming Reunion . . . you love attending Vanderbilt Homecoming Reunion . . . Catwoman will be there . . ., etc. . ."

Here are my questions: Where is the ground-swell of '76-er's lining up to be there? Where are the master essayists of '76 vintage essay entries, to attempt to snag the Legends of Lowenstein Essay Contest prize: dinner for 2 at Flemmings? Are these '76-er's men without portfolio's? Are they men without capacity or ability to sing "Our Jewells"? Inquiring minds want to know?

NOTICE TO VU CLASS OF '76 BETA PI'S: your 30th Reunion is to be on October 20 - 22,

2006. I'm working on persuading Boss Stein to show, to welcome you. Attend and expect "royal" treatment, including roll out of the Tic Red Carpet for Venerable Brothers of Beta Pi who graduated Vanderbilt in 1976.

NEW TIC SURFACES: Beta Pi Blog welcomes Venerable Brother Chuck Wharton - welcome aboard, old friend!

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at ___:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PHOTO-GRAPHICS!  The miracle of the scanner, and a little practice "cropping" has made it possible for me to add some photographic fireworks to past issues of Beta Pi Blog.  Check out the Archives!  The crop of T. Parr is my personal favorite.

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72