Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 36 - Honoring Mark Hektner, a.k.a. Lurch

Beta Pi:
It is an inspired day! Chester Brewer logged on to Beta Pi Blog, and posted a comment aimed at Vinny Starr (check it out, at Issue No. 26).

Art Landry and Mark McGann exchanged verbal exhibitionisms by e-mail, which I have posted (check it out, at Issue No. 35).

The Heme is in process of obtaining a screen name, and your Beta Pi Blog editor looks forward to Heem-isms being posted to the blog soon.

Recently, in moments of career boredom, I have toyed with photo editing, and have posted some new photos to past issues of Beta Pi Blog, all in a twisted campaign to get Tick-lors to log-on to the Beta Pi Blog, and dig through the "Archives" - just click on "Archives" and you can scroll through bye-gone issues.

The deadline for the Legend of Lowenstein Essay Contest is fast approaching, so far we have excellent entries from Venerable Pierce Hodnette and Venerable Art Landry. There is still time to enter (check it out, at Issue No.24).

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72

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