Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 41 - Honoring Ed Oppenhiemer and Dick Stoner

Beta Pi:

Beta Pi Blog honors Venerable Ed Oppenhiemer, a.k.a. Opie.

A search of the annals did not yield an actual photo of Ed, and we think Ed was playing hookie on photo day.

WELCOME NEW TIK-LO: thanks to Marlon, another fine Tik-lo surfaces:

Dick Stoner.

Marlon writes:

Thanks for the call. Stoner is at dickst@aol.com I have another address but this one should work. I'm attaching a picture of me atop one of the pyramids, I don't remember if it was of the moon or the sun, at Teotihuacan in Mexico about three years ago, one of the 40+ countries it has been my privilege to play around in. Good luck with Overby, Harpo and The Very Ugly. See you in Oct., maybe.

Of course, Marlon's cryptic message contains mysteries which we may never fully understand.

What else to say, nick-names notwithstanding, Dick Stoner has perhaps one of the all-time-great names in Tik-lo history, indeed, in the same league with Venerable Jack Meunch, and the immortal Rodney Yanker.

Check out Beta Pi Blog!

Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Art Landry, September 19, 2006:

"Larry, check with Vin. I'll bet he has a photo of ESO. If not, I think you'll find him on the bottom row of the 1975 composite.Congratulations, E. Sidney, on joining the honor roll. Your mother, like mine, would be proud of you.And you as well, Worthy Stoner."

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marlon, for contributing my 1975 photo,  Please note that my hair is shorter than Mark Hektner's  (  Lurch), but I admit the beard is, well,  one of a kind.    I hope that Marlon can provide photos from the great outing we recently experienced in Washington DC,  at which Randy Martin,  David Haines and I joined Marlon and our host,  M.K. Heartfield, III,, the 1976 Fall Pledge Master,  whose pledge class introduced Tics to the movie  "Sue and Duke".  That pledge class raised more money on movie nights than any other pledge class in Tic-Lo history, and I think it even bought the first couches of that decade,  which surely lasted five years or more.    With some help from Mr. Oppenheimer,  perhaps we can offer some fine photos of Jim  Grissett throwing the running lawn mower across the bedroom when he was disturbed by the late night yard maintenance being done on the eve of Founders Day, 1977.   Ed also has "fruit pictures"  but I think that is best left to another blog.   In those famous letters spelled out on the bottom of David Haines' shoes, while kneeling during his 1978 wedding,  H E L P