Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No. 37 - Honoring Doug Martin, Charlie McGibony & Frank Collins

Beta Pi:

Momentum is building so fast, I am compelled to publish another issue, such is my excitement!
Posted at Issue No. 32, Venerable Doug Martin surfaces (check out his comment), and informs me that he (and his wife - also a VU Nursing graduate), and Venerable Charlie McGibony (and wife - also a VU Nurse), and Immortally Venerable Frank Collins are committed to attending the upcoming VU Reunion / Homecoming! Doug provided a cryptic screen name, but no e-mail address, so I am researching, and hope to have e-mail addresses for these Past Potentates of Yore, soon.

I am flabbergasted! Beta Pi Blog staff will be contacting Habeeb's Oriental Rugs and Repair to do maintenance on the ATO Red Carpet, which will be rolled out!
Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at: ___

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Frank Collins, September 18, 2006:

"I haven't thought so much about Beta Pi in years.  In fact, I am certain the hangover I had on Thursday morning was a direct result of just reading your blog and the resulting memories that came flooding back...  See you next month.
Frank Collins"

Anonymous said...

E-mail received from Frank Collins, September 19, 2006:


Well, when I see you at the re-onion you'll have to share more of those memories with me.  I think I played too many whales tales games - I don't remember much.  ;-)

I love the blog.  Obviously, you have way to much time on your hands.


Anonymous said...


"Igor:  Dr. Frankenstein...

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: "Fronkensteen."

Igor: You're putting me on.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, it's pronounced "Fronkensteen."

Igor: Do you also say "Froaderick"?

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No..."Frederick."

Igor: Well, why isn't it "Froaderick Fronkensteen"?

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: It isn't; it's "Frederick Fronensteen."

Igor: I see.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: You must be Igor.
[He pronounces it ee-gor]

Igor: No, it's pronounced "eye-gor."

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: But they told me it was "ee-gor."

Igor: Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?"