Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.48, G-F-O-Y Prize Winner Announced

Beta Pi:


: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: ___

So, I signed on today, and a contest I thought had been all but forgotten renewed my faith in America’s love of the contest. This one is an historic one, my pals and gals!

My friends, it gives me great pleasure to announce the Winner, of the Beta Pi Blog 2008 Girlfriends-o-Yore Contest. There was a tie, so naturally your Beta Pi Blog Sports Editor (Frank J. Biller) made the call on the tie breaker, and I took the honor of calling Travis today. He was tickled Pink! (No pun intended).


Here is how it happened:

First, I read two e-mails from

Rena Dabne:

From Rena Dabne, September 18, 2008

I loved your blog however I am concerned that in the pictures Travis was much prettier than I was in college. Could we not use his current picture with gray hair and a few years on him. Put me on your blog list if you would. I got the last one forwarded to me from Penelope Malone. Look forward to more. Rena

Okay –– so I’’m reading down this blog and I wish to add some comments but since I am an artist and not a computer nerd (actually hardly a nerd at all), you will have to tell me what to do. I always thought T Parr was such a nice boy however, in retrospect, he may have been wilder than I thought. Wish I had known that 35 years ago. Perhaps I would have let him wrangle more steak. Love.

Then, I read one from Penelope Malone. As it were, I did have one date with The Mighty Penelope, and there is your tie. Biller ruled me out.


By some quirk in planetary alignment, I happened on your Beta Pi blog and saw the Girlfriends-O-Yore posting. Guess this puts me in the ATO nebuloid category. You and I were at VU together and Chris Page (a/k/a Birdman) was a close friend of mine so I knew several of the folks in your blog-o-sphere. Did you and I go out on a date once? I cannot remember...those brain cells were overwritten about 10 yrs ago....

Going back to the blog, Rena (Dabney) Sartain is my KD sister who see all the time here in Atlanta where my spousal unit and I live. I told her she was listed in Girlfriends-O-Yore and think she's going to write to you--emerging from the mists of time.

I sent email to Chris Page asking if he is linking into your blogonia but haven't heard back from him. Last talked to him Sept. 2007 and tried to persuade him to go to VU Reunion that year (I and other KD's--Sherrill Perkins, Ruth Miller and Rena went) but he and his wife were celebrating a big anniversary and had a trip planned for that weekend. Warm regards, Penelope Malone (VU '75)

* * * * *

My sweetheart, and love-of-my-life,

Ann Polk Simons is also an ATO Grilfriend-o-yore, because Ann and I dated at VU.

So did JD, but that story is a separate matter.


Be well, my gals!!

For those of you new to the blog, the contest rules are found at “Archives - Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.34"

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 18, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and __ ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

E-COMMENT FROM THE HEME, September 19, 2008:

"Congrats, Bozzinooooooooooo………!  T.Heme

George Tomlinson, CIC
Concklin Insurance
630-268-1600 x-32
800-451-1565 x-32"

TO THE HEME:  Thanks, Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!

Anonymous said...


"I vote for Rena Dabney!!!"

TO TOM:  Not every contest invoves an election.  To win this contest, an ATO Girlfriend from days-of-old had to contact the blog, unsollicited.  In this case, Rena contacted the blog the same day that Penelope did, thus, a tie.

Anonymous said...

E-LETTER FROM PENELOPE, September 19, 2008:

"Hey Larry:

I retired in December and thus have nothing better to do than mindless emails, but shouldn't you be defending someone from "persecution" (as our eminent President (the penultimate example of frat boy makes good) stated today with regard to evil short sellers)?

Read the new blog-posting.  I always wanted to hang out with the ATO's (Animal House before Animal House was written) when I was @ VU, so now my wish is fulfilled in cyber-space, where there is no possibility of gang-rape.

"Malone" is my maiden name (@ Vandy) and my present name, as I am one of those highly independent dude-esses who did not wish to evaporate into Mrs. Joe Whoever when she got married.   My husband of 28 years is John Champion, a product of NCState, and not a frat member, so the ties that bind KD's, ATO's and all other overgrown adolescents are a total mystery to him.

Shall I tell you how I 'met" The Birdman?   After pledging KD, the first swap we had was with the ATO's.  A brutal initiation in sorority-fraternity interrelations.  Having the beer-drinking capacity of a gnat, I was feeling pretty good after approx. a half-cup of brew.  I look down at a couch in the living room and think "I don't know who this really skinny guy is sitting here, but I'm going to sit down and talk to him."  The skinny guy of course being Chris Page.  Thus are great friendships born...  Party on, Penelope"

Anonymous said...


DEAR PENELOPE:  Yes, I should be defending O-freakin-J, however, as of yesterday, I'm on a sabbatical from law practice (no joke).  

I ceratinly did not mean to diminish your dudess-hood by asking your maiden name, if I did, sorry.  By all means, please tell us how you met Birdman, and while you're at it, light a fire under his freakin'-skinny-butt and get him connected.  And may I remind you, maidenhood is a virtue.

P.S.  You asked how to "post" directly to the blog - you just follow the links, and get a "code-name" i.e., screen name, and post away.


Anonymous said...

E-COMMENT FROM TRAVIS PARR, September 19, 2008:

"Hi Bozo-
Thanks for the call and the award for the best steak!
Could you send me Rena's e-mail address?

TO T. PARR:  Congrats again on receiving the Beta Pi Blog GIRLFRIENDS-O-YORE CONTEST PRIZE

- dinner for one at Rotiers, with one complimentary beer, at Reunion 2008.

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM JACK MUENCH, September 19, 2008:

"I didn't even know there WAS a contest, but my vote for Crazy Legs would have been a foregone conclusion. NO offense Travis, or Heme."

Anonymous said...


"Boys, we are 3&0.   I just wish Abernathy had some eligibility left.  We need a possessed defensive end to rattle the Rebels.  jfs"

Anonymous said...



 Can't I still vote for her??????"

TO LOVE-MAN:  Call her up, she's an artist.  Her e-mail address is RENAART@COMCAST.NET

Anonymous said...

"Hey, no offense whatsoever taken about 'maiden name'--it was a very fair and relevant question.  At the time I married ('80) it seemed that keeping your own name would become the norm, but it fell by the wayside, or, rather, the younger generation of wimmen lacked the cujones (sp?) to keep their own name.

Congrats on the sabbatical.  It's wonderful isn't it?  My last gig was 11 dogyears in the Legal Dept. of ADP National Accounts (am not a lawyer but played one every day) managing contract negotiation.  My calculations are those 11 translate to 22 years time off for good behavior in Purgatory.

If I hear from Birdman's skinny butt I certainly will direct him to your site--it's very entertaining although it is clear there are many unspoken stories behind the text.  Happy weekend--but then when you're not working, every day is SATURDAY!  Hoo Ha!  Luv, Penelope"

TO PENELOPE:  Nicely put, and thanks.  Yes, however, I have found that - as in the animal kingdom - females are far more powerful than males.  Knowing Birdman, if you tell him to visit my site, he'll think its a trick, and he'll never do it.  Try telling him "under no circumstances should you visit the site, it will repulse you, it will waste your time, don't go there - then he'll be tempted and go there.
Be well,

Anonymous said...

SPORTS EXTRA FROM ABER, September 22, 2008:

"Boys, we are now 4 and 0, and the weekly Gridiron Notes will be flowing all year. GO COMMODORES!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...


"Ranked # 21!!"

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM HERB LADLEY, September 22, 2008:

"Kathy and I  will be into Nashville on December 19 for a
wedding we are attending and staying at some swanky down town hotel.  
Don't think I will be able to make a game although would love to.  
#21....who would have thought it in our life time.   Send me your snail
mail address.   I have some thing to send you that popped into my busy
brain looking at the fight night blog again the other night.  I
think/know you will enjoy it.     Herb"


My home address is 2209 Sharondale Drive, Nashville 37215.  I love surprises.  Hey, I'll book my calendar to remind me you're coming to NashVegas on 12/19.  Maybe we can meet for a coffee.