Monday, September 15, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.47 - NEWS FLASH - BILLER ELOPES!

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

NEWS FLASH - BILLER ELOPES! So this morning, I get this from Buck, which he posted to me and Vinny:

"Hi guys,

First off, I want you two guys to know that I love you both like my own brothers.
Second, I know that both of you guys love me and are continually trying to keep me away from sharp objects so that I don't hurt myself.

That being said, Margo and I were married last night at a civil ceremony in Las Vegas. No family was present from either side. We were coming here on a business trip with some associates who are also pretty good personal friends of mine. None of Margo's family or friends were here.

I did not invite you or any of my family members for a variety of reasons. First, Margo and I decided last month after several months of trying to plan logistics for a wedding that it was just going to be too complicated and too expensive to try to get people from all parts of the country to a cool place for a wedding ceremony. At that point we had decided to just go down to the Des Moines courthouse, get a licence and get married by a JP on a Friday afternoon, then go out for a nice dinner. We decided that we would spend our money and efforts on a reception around Christmas time when my kids would be in town and most of the family and friends from our home towns could attend.

My friend Rusty had been teasing me about paying for my wedding at a drive through Elvis Chapel while we were in Vegas. I told Margo that and she said 'Hey, why not, it would be a lot of fun'. One thing lead to another and we wound up getting married at the Flamingo. It was very cool and I lot of fun. I wish that all my family and friends could have been here. But, it just wasn't practical.

I specifically did not invite or alert you two because I knew that you were against me marrying so soon.

I know that you guys do not know Margo and have absolutely nothing against her at all. I can only assure you that she is a wonderful person and that you will love her once you get to know her. However, you guys both know me extremely well. I have had a history of making bad decisions for the wrong reasons throughout the course of my life. I appreciate that you guys have been rocks for me during my tumultuous divorce and bachelorhood. You guys never judge me, you always support me when I am down and you have been good and true and loyal friends throughout.

I know in my heart that Margo is the last woman on earth for me. I have put her through trials that someone who is not sincere and committed would have run away from. You have both been there at times with me and my craziness. I know that I have hurt you by not inviting you to the wedding. But, it was the right thing for me to do and I wanted to go into it 100% committed and certain. I could not do it any other way. Please, do not worry about me. Margo loves me totally and she will take good care of me.

We are planning two receptions this winter in Iowa. You guys and your wives are my guests of honor. I will talk to you next week. VTL my Brothers, Buck


ON BEHALF OF TICK-A-LO NATION . . . . (Drum roll) . . . (Ruffles & Flourishes played by trumpeters) . . . (bottles uncorked) . . . (Confetti is unleashed) . . .




BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of September 5, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 92 Beta Pi brothers, 84 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...


Congratulations to you and Margo.  I am glad that you're happy and have found a good woman.  I am also glad, because of our history, that Las Vegas had a role in the spectacular event.  I can only hope that our good friend Tommy had some role in the weekend festivities. I am looking forward to some more details and to meeting up with your new wife who is now part of the Vanderbilt threesome family (otherwise known as the Stooges).  


P.S.  Who (edited) is Rusty????  Hopefully not the bouncer at CH2......"

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM FRANK BILLER, September, 19, 2008:

"Dear Larry,
Thanks for the great write up on the blog!

TO BUCK:  You are most welcome my friend.