Friday, September 5, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No. 46 - The Bucko Sports Page

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

Well, if you guys read issue #43, 44 and 45, you probably got it that yours truly - Bozino - was hungry for new meat on da blog. Then, last night, I tuned in ESPN, and watched the Vanderbilt Commodores rip South Carolina to shreds: final score, 24-17 upset!!!!!. I couldn’t be at the game, cause my wife Ann is recuperating from a fall - so I e-mail Boss Stein, I said Boss, I am a "music guy", you are a "sports guy" (former Schwimbaggio) - you must write this!

To which, Boss writes back: "Sweet, sweet win. I was there to the wonderful finish. Sorry - no time." For a guy who runs the Tennessee Bank Industry, has a gorgeous wife, and is top-dog fundraiser for Class-o-73, I was grateful he took time to send me that much.

In the words of the late, great Jerry Reed: "When you HOT, you HOT, so I said THANKS A LOT!" That is a true quote.

So, I try the same strategy with my best friend - Frank "Bucko" Biller. Frank is both a "music guy" and a "sports guy." I was always jealous of that - being pretty much a goon, myself. Although, I did OK in The Fight (it was a lucky punch).

Frank was ready and willing, and he ripped off a column in less than 20 minutes. So, without further "to-do" . . .


by Frank J. Biller, ATO, Beta Pi Blog Contributing Sports Editor.

Frank has  agreed to cover Vandy Football this season - awesome!  Who knows, Bucko might even start his own "blog" - would that be cool, or what?   Of course, Vinny drew up a contract in which Frank gives me all right and title, succka!

BUCKO SPORTS PAGE, Vol.2008, No. 01

By Frank J. "Bucko" Biller

ATO, Beta Pi Blog Contributing Sports Editor

Commode-ers thump 'Cocks?
Truth is stranger than fiction sports fans. I turned on my e-mail this morning and had the following from my former neighbor:

"Dear Frank,

I know you are a Vandy grad and my local paper doesn't cover SEC football very well so I thought I would appeal to you for an update.

I was fortunate enough to catch the first half of the tilt of Vandy's intrepid 11 vs. South Carolina and it's famous coach (Editor's note: and ATO Brother / First of Several Former Undeserving Florida Heisman Trophy Winners) Steve "The Old Ball Coach" Spurrier on ESPN 116 last night.

In attendance was my new wife and some-time Football fan Bambi.  I have included a recent picture of Bambi that might help you understand her un-familiarity with the nuances of college football (as well as my whirl-wind romance and unexpected nuptials).

After hosting a rather rousing half-time entertainment, Bambi focused her attentions back at the screen, developed a rather puzzled look on her face and asked me the following:

"Why would an institute of higher learning like Vanderbilt want to associate its sports team with a symbol like the commode? What's that all about? Is that one of those Harvard Lampoon things like a parody on political correct-ness? Commode-ers? And the Game Cocks? Talk about arrogant! I think someone is just a little too proud of themselves. Do these boys walk around with their man-hood exposed stating that they are game? So I suppose North Carolina's team is the 'Fun Nuts'? Really, football is so infantile! Let's switch to the 'Project Runway' marathon'."

*      *      *


So, BUCKO - I was wondering if you would let me know how the game turned out? (Note: Season 5 Leather Goddess Stella B. Zotis won last nights episode of PR.).

Your pal,

You can't make this kind of stuff up sports fans!  Go 'Dores!

Frank J. "Bucko" Biller
ATO Beta Pi Blog Contributing Sports Editor"

* * *

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of September 5, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 92 Beta Pi brothers, 84 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am in agreement with my good friend Steven 'Vinnie' Starr on this one.  Great Belgian marketing.

Subject: I'll have a Guinness
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 16:51:19 -0500

I'm looking forward to the Bud commercials now that the Belgians own it."