Friday, September 5, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.43 - Commander Heme, Part 2

Beta Pi:
IS “BETA PI BLOG” JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no!  It is not this e-mail.  This e-mail contains some written content of the Beta Pi Blog, not the entire content.    The blog is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.  To get there, simply Click on the web address __
COMMANDER HEME, Part 2:   So I confirmed the reservation at Rumba - for October 25th, 7:00 p.m. - and the Maitre De told me if we had more than 24 people, it could be a problem.  So I shoot an e-mail to The Heme, to get a head count, and - in the words of Al Pacino in Heat - the response was over-freakin’-whelming!
Here is the latest line-up, confirmed for Rumba Dinner:
The Heme + mystery woman
Boss Stein + wife Beth
Aber + wife Kimberly
Cheeks Reed + wife Kimey
Claude Terminator Cody + wife Anne
Tom Love-Man Lovinggood + mystery wife
Larry Bozo Simons + wife Ann
That makes 14 to date.  10 more seats, so far, looking good.
We are wondering whether George Of the Jungle Joe has fallen off the map.
NEW BLOG ANNOUNCED: Over the last few years, many Tick-a-lors have posed the rather sarcastic query - that I must not have enough work to keep me busy.  Love-Man being the chief offender. 
Never one to turn down a challenge, I am launching anew blog, on my MySpace web-site Delta-Jam Records (see link on right).
This new blog - entitled  Delta-Jam Records Blog - will be music oriented, and some Tick-a-lo music lovers, tired of the usual fraternity crap-ola might find it entertaining.
Fear not.  Much of the same content that goes into the new blog, will be conveniently cut & paste published in this blog.
Did you think I’d let you off the hook that easily?  No way, Jose!  So, without further to-do - here are the first two such articles!  (Who ever accused me of being as proud father is 100% correct!)

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BLOG TIPS: Be sure to check out the COMMENTS at each issue.  This is where your e-mails are posted.  Go to the bottom of the blog issue, where it says This entry has __ Comments - and click on Show Recent.  There are some great comments.  Some brothers are posting their own comments.  To do this, click on Add Your Own.
BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of September 4, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 90 Beta Pi brothers, and of those, 83 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses.  If you have an e-mail address on a Bro’ - it’s up to yo’!  
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72 

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