Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.24 - Letters to Dr. Phibes, continued

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

LETTERS TO THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, continued: From time-to-time, I read something in the news that catches my eye, good or bad, happy or sad, nappy or crappy, etc. At those times, a "spark" of creative energy drives me to this keyboard - and, drives me to continue in a line of rants addressed to the Mighty-Potentate-O-Yore, "none other than" Matt Hart, a/k/a The Abominable Dr. Phibes. Accordingly,

My Dearest Dr. Phibes:

I read the internet news today - "O-boy"

About some unlucky Fraternities "who made the grade"

They caught some Fraternity guys "who blew their mind out" - perhaps in a Yellow Car

The news was "rather sad."

"Nobody was really sure if they were from" San Diego State University . . .

"I’d love to turn . . ."

Enough Sgt. Peppers!


Phibes, you can read this by clicking on the "link" to the right.

As I read the article, I worried that our beloved Fraternity might somehow be listed.

I was wrong. Theta Chi, SAE and several others were involved.

Its as if these guys were trying to bring back the 1970's - those mighty days when the Vanderbilt Campus Police (if indeed they could be called "police")

Stood idle at the side-lines of the famed Grateful Dead Concert on Alumni lawn, which turned into a "mini-Woodstock." I was a mere Freshman then, and dear brother,

You were a Sophomore.

I recall being at the event with Frank J. Biller, who was openly imbibing certain pure-grain alcoholic beverage, a.k.a., "PGA Punch" - and I myself was "on cloud-nine" for reasons not mentionable herein. The Grateful Dead were playing, and Alumni lawn was cordoned-off by the Campus Cops, who did not venture into the center of Alumni Lawn, where the Grateful Dead fans, mostly Vanderbilt coeds - but lots of weird Nashville street-people and assorted "hippies" were digging the live music. A glorious day. I remember seeing Muenchie with this great smile on his face . . . and Pierce Hodnette with the grin and twinkle-o-the-eye which made him famous, grooving to the music! And the babes. As I rock in my rocking chair, approaching geezerdom, I remember it so vividly.

Do you remember (another John Lennon song lyric) what you were doing that overcast day?

Perhaps other Brethren recall "how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall?"

My regards to our beloved brethren, and I remain,

Lorenzo Bozino

For previous Letters to Dr. Phibes, go to "Archives":

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.02 - Abominable Dr. Phibes In-but-out-but-In,

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.36 -Fotch provides lead - Dr. Thomas McCown), and

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.23 - Muench on Vonegut

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of May 7, 2008, the Blog roster total is 87 Beta Pi brothers, 80 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

The most vivid thing I remember about the Dead on the lawn was hippies in the trees.
L. Pierce Hodnette, erstwhile college student

Anonymous said...


"Hey Larry.  Our kid, Tyler has decided on attending"

TO JOHN:  That's awesome John!  Congrats.  Are we to assume you will put a bug in the Actives' ears that yon Legacy is marching forth next Fall?  How awesome would that be if he decides to follow in your footsteps and become a Beta Pi Tick-a-lo Man?  Hey, still awaiting that story you promised.

Anonymous said...


"thank you Mr.Bo-Zo for your kind words.  I too was at the grateful dead concert but at that time was strictly a 'juicer'.  Was included in the joint chiefs upon my 21st birthday by the Glorious Ratzo Rizzo, Hizzoner Marc Darling.  I confess that I did not get the whole grateful dead schtick nor have i ever.  i was there strictly hoping for some tripped out hippie to want to get to know a nice fraternity boy a little better.  Did not happen.  Keep up the good work.  TICK-LORS!!"

TO PHIBES:  Actually Matt, you got it!  The same motivation that led you to attend the concert - meeting / getting chicks - is what every guitar player (who's honest) will say motivated him to play guitar in the first place.  I have seen / read interviews with numerous guitarists (including the Beatles) who openly admit that was why they started playing.  Not to mention Admiral Hodnette, Captain Blankenship, Major Jack Muench-miester and Colonel Itchy Kada-rauch-ski, Brig. General Benjamin Harrison Pedigo, and Private First Class Lorenzo Bozino.  I have little doubt that the Grateful Dead musicians are any different than most.  After all, the "groupies" were notorious for following the Grateful Dead.  Thanks for the boost on the blog.  TICK-A-LO's!!!
Bo Zino