Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.25 - The Schmeat Chronicles

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

THE SCHMEAT CHRONICLES: Back in February, I sent a 1-line e-mail to Bill a.k.a. "Lunchmeat", a.k.a. "Schmeat" Whalen ,   basically a how-are-you?

Today, I was delighted to receive Schmeat’s response. This must be what it was like in the early days of the Pony Express - you post a letter, and weeks or months later you receive a response, because the mail moved so slowly.

Enough of that - lets get right to the "meat" of what Schmeat sent me. Unfortunately, at the end of Schmeat’s awesome diatribe, he asked for confidentiality. Therefore, I am editing out much personal content of what Schmeat wrote, and letting you see the rest (without Schmeat’s permission, God help me):


Schmeat resurfacing.

My life has been in turmoilover the last few years. Long story made short:

Vandy - graduated on the 5.5 yr plan.

Work in hospital as orderly.

Bored. Changed subjects, from Math to Biochemistry.

Enrolled in graduate school at UConn.  Ph.D in less than 4 years...mmmm less time than a BA??

Married (Edited, Blog Ed.)

PostDoc at UConn Med School. (Edited, Blog Ed.)

First stint at NIH. OK but my ADD limited my productivity - Matt Hart was right in my out to lunch personality.

Met wife 2 - (Edited, Blog Ed.)

Got married. Had kid.

Moved to NOLA and taught at Xavier. Wanted to move on, but options limited. (Edited, Blog Ed.)

-- spent 2 years as a "single parent".


Got to go to NIH for the second time. This time a much better situation. Got to direct my own research, great lab, etc. Department politics limited my stay --(Edited, Blog Ed.)

Mom got sick.

(Edited, Blog Ed.) Moved to Cleveland.

Took care of my Mom and autistic sister.

Mom died last xmas.

Brother in Cleveland gives me $300 and a plane ticket to New Orleans. Trying to rebuild my life.

Sorry to have been so non-communicative but due to (Edited, Blog Ed.), I would like to keep communications personal for the time being. Any thought of the blog password being protected? Just a little old fashioned and paranoid, especially after (Edited, Blog Ed.)

Anyway, say hi to all the ticklors for me.  I will contact them when I get a chance.

Living A Sane Existence In A Basically Insane Society --



TO THE MIGHTY SCHMEAT:  Bill, thanks for your letter - forgive me for publishing part of your chronicle, I did so in the interest of informing the Brethren.  I hope my editing satisfies your privacy concerns.

Hey, I’m sorry to hear your Mom died. My Mom died of pancreatic cancer in 2000, very tough to lose my Mom.

Schmeat, when I started the blog in August, 2006 there were 2 options, a private blog, which was really complicated (each "user" had to have a password) and a "public" blog.  Path-o-least-resistance.

I have tried to keep the language on the blog clean, after all we profess to being gentlemen, no? A few privacy quirks involving some material Buck posted in a drunken blogging spree had to edited ex-post-facto, but other than that, no worries.   Buck freely admits to being the author of his misfortune, God I love that man.

I have spent years and lots-o-pesos on therapy, so from my end, I - like you - am basically trying to live a sane existence, and with God’s help, I am doing alright. Be well old friend.


*   *   *


BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of May 15, 2008, the Blog roster total is 87 Beta Pi brothers, 80 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...



Thanks. Looks great.  Thanks for the pic of Becky and me.  Since she was a "honorary tic" do you know how she is.  

Good old Meuchy got in contact.  Great to hear from old friends.   Perusing the Blog, it looks like toujour la change, toujour la meme chose.

Perhaps after I get settled, maybe I'll organize a get together centered around Jazz Fest.  But its jazz fest all year long in NOLA.  So dates really don't matter and in fact from a native perspective, NOLA is as fun during the "off" weeks.  

Attached is a somewhat recent pic from NIH.  Ponytail is now gone, but its my bench in the background.


TO BILL:  Buck & Vinny & I ran into BBB (Beautiful Becky Bruning) at one of our VU Reunions - I think it must have been 2000.  Anyway, Becky was there, and looking mah-ve-lous!  I mean fine!  So were Becky Denim and Karen Degerberger.  It was a threesome babe-a-thon, and the Three Stooges got to dance with these lovelies.  It was awesome.  Denim looked the same, I kid you not - what a beautiful gal.  And Karen was mag-ni-fique!  Hey, its good that you heard from Muench-miester!  Pierce and I and Matt Blankenship were set to link up with Jack in Clarksdale, but he wussed out.  We had a great time, and missed him.   I would be very interested in a New Orleans Tick-a-lo venture.  My son has a jazz fusion band, and I need to find a few clubs down there where the band might play.  Maybe you could scope out a club - I need the name of the club, the manager's name, address & phone number.  I want them to play down there.  It would be the perfect excuse for me & Ann to travel there - it would be really cool to link with you and Landry and other NOLA wastrels.  Be well.

Anonymous said...


glad to hear from you. No idea that you had been anywhere around here.

as I write this I'm on the Miss. gulf coast in Pass Christian. I'll be getting back to town tonight and have to hang around but tomorrow, Tuesday or Wed. should be fine to give you the ride you need.

I'll email you again when I'm back and know my schedule.

TO ART:  I'm planning a trip to New Orleans - I'm going to try to get a booking in a jazz club for Andrew's band Groundspeak.  I need your street address, so I can visit you / give you shit - when I come down there.

Anonymous said...

To:  Luncheon Meat, Art, and Bozo---Greetings!
  T.Parr is here living in New Orleans for my second year!!! ... in River Ridge to be exact--- we are here until the first part of June as we finally finish the 2 year remodel and guesthouse of our second home. Then back to Michigan and our lake home until mid- Dec.... then back to the Big Easy thru Juine again. You know-- its the perfect snowbird thing to do 6 months here and 6 months on the lake. I can run my Venture Capital business anywhere....
  Let me hear from any of you if you are showing up anytime in this marvelous part of the world!
 Office phone is 248-650-0696 and works in both Michigan and here in NewOrleans.

Anonymous said...

TO T. PARR, May 19, 2008:
Art Landry is getting me some info on some New Orleans Jazz Clubs, and I'm going to try to book Andrew's jazz band to play - hopefully in the next several months, and make a trip to New Orleans.  I will be coordinating with Art, Schmeat, and you - and I feel sure there are a few other Tick-a-lors close enough to New Orleans to make the trip.  Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

FROM T-MIESTER PARR, May 20, 2008:
"Ok Bozo---
works if I'm still here in the South..... if not, sometime next season perhaps we can meet up here in New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

Today, Buck revealed his wedding plans in an e-mail to Schmeat.


"Dear Larry,
Thanks for finding these guys Lar.  You are a true Brother.
I love you,

Subject: Hey Lunch!
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 22:51:39 +0000

Dear Bill,
I just read Larry's blog about you.  Sounds like you have had a tough time the last couple of years.  My heart goes out to you my Brother.  

My Mom passed over Christmas about 10 years ago.  It was a tough time and really makes me appreciate the celebration more every year with my kids and sibs.

I did the divorce thing about 5 years ago.  I am just now starting to "bottom out" emotionally and start the long climb back to the level of insanity I used to enjoy.  

I met a great gal, bought a house (after 5 years of sleeping on other peoples couches, in hotels and apartments that I rented but rarely saw) and I am getting married again this fall.  

Life is getting good again.  It will for you to Bill.  Hang in there.  Your Brothers are with you.  We love each other one and all (even Vinnie).


Anonymous said...


"Thanks for finding these guys Lar"?  Let me think now, WHO exactly was it that put you onto Schmeats trail?  Sure, you did the grunt work but that's what delegating is all about.  As for Buck's getting married, again, I really hope that he's just having us on, really.  I mean didn't The Blog have to go to HLS Threat Level Orange because his 'choice' of companions conspired to disassociate him from his nether regions?!"

TO MARLON:  Yes, Buck's past choices of companions leads one to think Buck might in fact be a FREAK!  And that's why he's been given a new monicker - "FREAKIN' BUCK"

Anonymous said...


"Congratulations Buck!  My best wishes and prayers for you, your fiancee
and your future my Brother.


Anonymous said...

"Well done, Buck.  And congrats.  Marriage is an institution to which I wholeheartedly subscribe."

Anonymous said...

SCHMEAT UPDATE, received June 9, 2008:

Just a quick update.  Through the help of some friends, I got an apartment and have at least a semi-permanent roof over my head.  And, I bought a bike, typical New Orleans style:  Friend has slow leak in tire.  Goes to service station to get it patched.  Asks mechanic whose bike is out front.  Mechanic says it's his.  Says friend is looking for one.  Mechanic says he's got a bunch in his backyard that he refurbishes and sells.  Pick up bike for $20.  

So cruising around today, I just happened on a block party.  Great set of bands, booths selling food from bars/restaurants on the block, good people to talk to.  A mini Jazz-fest.  Just thought of Andrew's band as I was goovin to the tunes.  

Thanks again for getting me in touch with Art.  He is helping me greatly.


Bill (aka Schmeat)

PS Would have sent a picture, but haven't figured out how to use my cell phone camera yet."

TO SCHMEAT:  NOLA here we come!

Anonymous said...


I think it would be reasonable to make the password   " TICLOR"   or  "EXTENDER"   or  even  "ARTIFICIAL HARRIES"
if that allows Schmeat to tell his whole story ...

This was a great edition,  and thanks for posting photos of Heartfield's DC Ticlor Fest  from June ....

Dick Stoner

TO THE STONE-PIONEER:  Dick:  Schmeat is making forward progress in NOLA with Landry's help.  God Bless America!  Tick-a-lo's!