Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.22 - Vinny Starr's Question Answered

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

VINNY STARR’S QUESTION ANSWERED: Recently, Vinny Starr created a controversy by posting a comment (which was initially censored to protect a brother’s reputation - which censorship itself caused controversy - but that’s beside the point) to Issue No.19, in which he confessed to trying a Quaalude during college - and after swallowing the pill, claims to have felt nothing, and prompting this question:

What does a Quaalude do?

Well, a few nights ago, I’m watching one of my favorite gangster movies "Donnie Brasco" starring Al Pacino. And a scene in this movie provides an amusing answer to Vinny’s recent question:

.   .   . The scene is at the pool hall which is the gangster safe-house, full of wise-guys discussing their "earnings." In a passing shot, a few of the "made-guys" are discussing a drug score - of Quaaludes. Nicky has a bag of pills in his hand, pulls out a pill, and holds it up, grinning, obviously proud of his score.

NICKY: . . . Give a broad two or three of these, fugetaboutit . . . she’ll do anything you want!

PAULIE: Quaaludes .   .   . oughta give three-a-these to Brenda, maybe then she’d cook.

NICKY:  I doubt it.

* * *

THE SPYWARE WHO LOVED ME: Like Vinny, I am a fan of all things "spy." When I was a kid, my favorite TV shows were "I Spy" "Get Smart" "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." and "Goldfinger" was the first James Bond movie I saw. These days, I love to watch The Bourne series, and C.I.A. movies like "The Good Shepherd" which are among the best cloak & dagger movies ever made, in my opinion.

Imagine my surprise, when I get this note (also posted as a comment at Issue No. 21) from   TED-ZILLA, shortly after he surfaced and visited the blog for the first time:

FROM TED STEPHANY, April 17, 2008:

"Hi Larry

"After visiting your site I ran an anti-spyware program and found 3 invasions, namely, "2 o 7 net," "a t w o l a . c o m" & "Tacoda" cookie.

"These are tracking cookies! They are privacy invasions far worse than any "libel" (hopefully in good fun - I didn't see it). If this is AOL's doing, you may want to address the issue with them. If this is your doing, I will be obliged to share this info with my fellow brothers.I look forward o your response in the near future.

Respectfully yours, Ted"

TO MIGHTY STUFF:  Ted, good work, O Mighty Spy-killer. Your comments are important, and I take them very seriously.

F.Y.I. To publish "da-blog" I use "AOL Journals" - mainly because its "free" (I am part Scottish, and generally squeeze nickels 'til they spit out 2 cents extra). Ah yes, as we know, the "internet" is full of surprises. As a disclaimer (at the top of the blog), I warn the Brothers (and others) that Beta Pi Blog is not a "private" blog, it can be viewed by anyone savvy enough to follow a URL. And, being a trial lawyer, I have my hands full - frankly my dear I don't give-a-damn - you might say. I've spent untold amounts in therapy learning to "lighten-up."

Therefore, for me, it’s a non-issue. My old friend, I take full responsibility for the offender Vinauseous Starrinsky - he is my best friend, and I would die for him. If I have P.O.'ed you, I will sit in judgment alongside transgressor Starr at Alumni Star Chamber.

Other than that, hope you enjoy da-blog.



* * *

ALL THAT ENERGY - OVER SPYWARE.  Therefore, your Blog Editorial Board has reviewed the "disclaimer & warning" at the top of the blog, found it wanting, and accordingly revised it. I direct your attention "up" to the top of your screen.


BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of April 24, 2008, the Blog roster total is 87 Beta Pi brothers, 80 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

To Lorenzo's point:  I recently conducted an interview of a young turk who applied for the job of financial advisor at Merrill Lynch.  Long story short:  I began to give the prospective FA a brief bio of me when he stopped me saying he already knew all about me.  Huh?  I only moved into the central Pennsylvania region a few months ago - how could this youngster know anything about me?  He explained: he googled me.  I said, Show me what you've got.  And he produced pages from the ATO blog itself.  Thankfully, he chose to NOT call me Marty.  And yes, I offered him the job.  However, he has yet to accept the offer....

Anonymous said...

"Dear Larry and guys,

I get sooo confused on all this blog stuff.  Larry's trains of thought have always been challenging for a simple boy from Davenport Iowa like me.  

So, I try to follow the blog despite a great deal of confusion  However, I have to give Props to Brother Larry on his Header/Screen Crawler at
the top of the Blog.  I mean- come on. a copy of the cover of "Thrasher" magazine with a pic of young Ted Stephany trumpeting "Prom Date
from Hell"  ...only a truly demented can mind make this kind of stuff up.  There is brilliance in Brother Larry's insanity my friends.  And he does have
way too much time on his hands.  

Kudos to you Brother Simons.  You magnificent mad bastard.

NOTE:  Pan-Asian culture invades Tic-Speak.  I don't know if you have noticed from brother X. Neal Crenshaw's communications, but he  regularly substitutes the word " 'da" for the.  I assume this has something to do with local Thai culture, years of alcohol abuse (Gin and tonic MUST be used in sub tropical climes to ward off malaria, monkey fever and other nefarious maladies) and/or something called "Thai Sticks" (not to start another controversey ala the Ted and Vinnie scenario).  
Just as the Vietnamese Spin-f _ _ _ (edited, B.E.S.) chair has crept into all our bedrooms, I notice this coloquialism has creeped into Larrys lexicon on the blog.

TO BUCK:  Thank you, my friend.  Your words remind me of the scene in Patton, where Gen. Patton is surveying the battlefield with his binoculars, and says "Rommel, you magnificent bastard .  .  . I read your book!"  I love that scene.

Anonymous said...

TO FRANK COLLINS, April 29, 2008:  Frank, the comment you posted at #22 really got me thinking.  Thanks for your thoughtful support.  I can just imagine your surprise, interviewing this young fellow - and charming him with the super-powerful-magnetism for which you attained Immortality - I only  wish that moment was captured on video.  I am certain you "turned lemons into lemonaid" and schmoozed him with your famous laughter.  I would pay to watch it.  I love you my brother!  MARTY-FEST!

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, April 30, 2008:
"You make me laugh  - and that means a lot to me.  In fact, laughter and its abundance on Kensington Place is why I am an ATO."