Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.21 - Congratulations Earl Stover

Beta Pi:

WHAT IS "BETA PI BLOG"?: The "blog" is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

CONGRATULATIONS EARL STOVER: Earl Stover a.k.a. Hangin’ Judge Earl, has some good news - his daughter has been accepted at Vanderbilt! Apparently, she has not yet decided whether to attend. Here is the note Earl sent to me:


I am not very blog/computer literate but wanted to pass on an eye witness report on the new "Tics."

My daughter has been accepted into Vanderbilt as an engineering student. We arrived in Nashville Friday night ( April 11) around 10. Before checking into our inn she wanted to drive by the school to locate the meeting building for the next day's program - such a "geer."

The drive by took us past the ATO house where much to my surprise a full blown toga party was in progress. I think they had the same band we had in the day. They were wandering/stumbling about at full speed. They had erected a privacy fence of plastic bamboo for dubious security purposes. The roman columns were in peril of falling. They had beer and wenches aplenty. I wanted to stop but my wife would not allow it. We drove around the block and the KA's had a weak effort underway.

Other than that the ATO's owned Greek town. Once again my wife would not let me stop. Later my daughter wisely refused to sneak out with me to observe what I had deduced to be a ritual passing of spring.

The next morning we parked in the large garage across from the Tic House. It was littered with the remains of the previous night's revelry-dozens of beer cans, bottles and a couch in the front yard. The boys were moving real slow but there were a few survivors.

By Saturday afternoon the guys had rebounded and by 4 were beginning to crank it up again. The music was loud and a few beers were in hand. Once again my wife and daughter insisted that we leave without stopping to check in for a plane to Georgia Tech.

As I drove away I told my daughter that if she went to Vandy to stay away from the ATO's

Earl Stover-Class of 75."

*      *      *      *

Earl, my guess is that your wife wouldn’t let you call me when you came to town, for the same reason she forbid you from setting foot in Tic Mansion.

My heart goes out to you my friend. Often, when my wife Ann, her daughter Maggie (who is a senior at Belmont) and I are out together - they decide what we do. Women are powerful creatures, and I’ve learned (the hard way) that it is always wise to yield in their presence.

As to your take on the current bunch of ATO’s, I respectfully disagree. The last time Ann and I were on campus (last fall) the ATO’s had a band party (see Archives, Vol.2007, No.55), and were all very polite (in spite of their condition). In my view, they’re a good group of guys. My step-daughter Maggie and some of her girlfriends at Belmont have been to a few ATO parties, and Maggie says the ATO’s have the best parties. Of course, my situation is a bit different - my wife lets me go to the Tic House, and enjoys going with me. Hang in there (no pun intended) my brother.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of April 14, 2008, the Blog roster total is 87 Beta Pi brothers, 80 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

EDITORIAL COMMENT:  I was genuinely happy for Brother Earl, at the news of his daughter.  Our children are our most precious gifts.  So I e-mailed Earl to learn her name when I was writing #21.   Late yesterday, I received this response from Mighty E:

"Her name was omitted to protect the innocent.  Call her Daughter #2.

TO EARL:  I've tried to keep the blog clean, and certainly - I trust all of the brothers know that it is never fair game to poke fun at a brother's family or children.

I was excited to hear your good news about your daughter.  Your other stuff was good, but it is family that matters.

Let me know when you're in town again.  ILAMATOB,

Anonymous said...

FROM MUENCHIE, April 17, 2008:

"Larry, I would like to see this, but also other posts as well.  Where do I find them? Sorry to be so illiterate. fondly, Muenchy  (edited for content, BlogEd.) Nuf said, beautiful day here!"

TO MUENCHIE:  No problemo my friend.  You can view "comments" to any blog issue by going to the web-site.  Go to web address:

You do that by "copying" the address (http:// etc.,) and "pasting" it in your "browser" - I hope that makes sense.  

Once you get to "the web-site" - you'll be able to "navigate" through the various "worthless" "entries"

"Comments" are at the "bottom" of each "worthless entry"  

You can also go to the "top" of the site and click on "Archives" - and by "scrolling" backwards in time, you can view all old entries, back to the first one (sometime in summer 2006, I think).

Press on my old friend - ILAMATOB!

Anonymous said...

FROM TED STEPHANY, April 17, 2008:

"Hi Larry
After visiting your site I ran an anti-spyware program and found 3 invasions, namely,, & Tacoda cookie. These are tracking cookies! They are privacy invasions far worse than any "libel" (hopefully in good fun - I didn't see it). If this is AOL's doing, you may want to address the issue with them. If this is your doing, I will be obliged to share this info with my fellow brothers. I look forward o your response in the near future.
Respectfully yours,

TO MIGHTY STUFF:  Ted, good work, O Mighty Spy-killer.  Your comments are important, and I take them very seriously.

F.Y.I.  To publish "da-blog" I use "AOL Journals" - mainly because its "free" (I am part Scottish, and generally squeeze nickles 'til they spit out 2 cents extra).  Ah yes, as we know, the "internet" is full of surprises.  As a disclaimer (at the top of the blog), I warn the Brothers (and others) that Beta Pi Blog is not a "private" blog, it can be viewed by anyone savvy enough to follow a URL.  And, being a trial lawyer, I have my hands full - frankly my dear I don't give-a-damn - you might say.  I've spent untold amounts in therapy learning to "lighten-up."  Therefore, for me, its a non-issue.

My old friend, I take full responsibilty for the offender Vinauseous Starrinsky - he is my best friend, and I would die for him.  If I have P.O.'ed you, I will sit in judgment alongside transgressor Starr at Alumni Star Chamber.  Other than that, hope you enjoy da-blog.