Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.19 - Ted Stephany, the "Stuff" of Legend

Beta Pi:

WHAT IS "BETA PI BLOG"?: It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

TED STEPHANY, THE "STUFF" OF LEGEND: Several weeks ago, Tick-a-lo man extra ordinaire, D.R. Flower , and I exchanged notes sent me that sparked the search for the Immortal TED-ZILLA:

"FROM D.R. FLOWER, February 11, 2008: I am reminded of how my Tic big brother Ted "Fifi" Stephany so eloquently responded when asked why he did not have a phone: "If I had a phone, people would call me."

In defiance of that bit of sage advise, my phone numbers are listed below: DR Flower, 3205 Oxford Dr., Rowlett, TX 75088 972.412.5085 H 972.679.9813 C"

TO DR: Could you find Ted Stephany for us? He's not on the roster - I have no info on him.

* * *

Thereafter, D.R. came up with lots of intelligence on Fifi, but the e-mail address remained a mystery.

Art Landry weighed in at some point. Somehow, I don’t know how, Ted Stephany got my e-mail address. Here is what I got:

"hello bozo,

heard u have a tic blog address?

now u have mine

hope all is well with u and yours


Poetic stuff, Stuff!


Ted, I know you were Class of ‘77.  But after straining my brain, the Ted Stephany memories that come to mind all involve you and J.D. Strickland. I don’t recall actual events, its sort of like a fog. And as you know, J.D. had a way of creating a fog any place where there was none. I remember you being a reserved fellow, a man of few words, with a look of quiet contentment - but a serious man of determination. Glad to have you aboard, old friend! Tick-a-lors, e-mail the Fifi, and sardonify him - for old-time’s sake!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of April 12, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 87 Beta Pi brothers, 79 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

A Ted memory of mine involves fisticuffs with a referee during an intramural basketball game.  As Tic Historian - read: the Athletic Director - I had to represent my brother Ted before the IntraFrat Council and defend his actions.  Somehow, we won.  The first and last time the ref was proven wrong.  Ted, it's nice to hear about your smiling face again.  

Anonymous said...



The last word I got about Ted was from Van Sayler, who ran into him while on the beach in Florida (Pensecola, I believe).


Wanna chime in here?"

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM VAN SAYLER, April 14, 2008:

"That was close to 30 years ago…..

Down in the keys"

Anonymous said...


(edited for content, BDC) has an incredibly rare distinction. He is the only person on the face of the earth that got me, Vinnie, to (edited for content, BDC)  help me study). It was at an ATO party (of course) and everybody was wandering aimlessly around (as usual at an ATO party) and (edited for content, BDC) He laughed of course because he knew (edited for content, BDC)  Well, I said to myself, let's just freak him out. Without hesitation I (edited for content, BDC)  swallowed some beer and smiled at Ted. His mouth flew open wider than a (edited for content, BDC) and he was speechless! So to tell the truth, I was a little freaked out myself wondering what was going to happen to me. So I sat on the couch in front of the fireplace, drank some beer, and waited. Unfortunately, for the story,(edited for content, BDC). I still don't know (edited for content, BDC) I'll have to ask (edited for content, BDC) next time I see him.

Anonymous said...

EDITORIAL COMMENT - Posted at Vol.2008, No.19: Beta Pi Blog apologizes to Brother Ted Stephany.  It came to my attention that Brother Steven Starr recently posted a comment to Vol.2008, No.19, regarding Brother Stephany.  Blog Disciplinary Counsel hereby indicts Brother Starr for a TMI violation (too much information), and as is customary, there is no due process, a guilty verdict is entered.   Accordingly, Brother Starr’s comment is edited for content, without his permission.  Brother Starr’s punishment will be decided in a special session of Alumni Star Chamber, during Reunion 2008, Ted Stephany presiding.  If Brother Stephany cannot attend, he may appoint a Deputy to sit in his behalf.

Even though the various events in our memories are some 35-odd years old, illicit words placed on the internet can cause damage.  Reminder - Beta Pi Blog is not a “private” blog, anyone who knows the URL can view it, and even post comments (if he/she is technically savvy).  I cite you to 2 recent situations in which Brother Bucko-B requested that I edit, on 3 separate occasions (after the fact) certain entries he himself posted which contained TMI about himself, which caused him a personal problems with WWOW and  XW.   I was, of course, glad to edit.

This blog has one purpose - to facilitate communication between Beta Pi Brothers.  I want each of you to be able to trust that you won’t be libeled in this internet venue.  I will never, ever forget VTL, I swear it again, because I gave my oath, those principals are true, and I love each and every one of you.  ILAMATOB.

Anonymous said...

FROM TED STEPHANY, April 17, 2008:

what was the nature of brother vinny's libelous comment?

TO TED:  I'm glad I took out the trash before you read it.  Fugetabouti!  Harmless.  However, I notified Vinny he should call you!  Not surprised that the Trickster didn't bother.  I will divulge the offending verbicisms to you when you sit as Presiding Judge, Alumni Star Chamber, to punish the encroacher Starr.

Anonymous said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, April 18, 2008:


I think you have too much free time.”

This month I mark 20 years in private practice trial lawyer. It wears me out.   I have slowed my practice down to about 25 hours a week.  My practice has a life of its own. Had a good first quarter and the best April ever. God has been good to me. I am taking time to do things I want to do (bucket list).

Ann and I are in Clarksdale. We're throwing a Release Party for Andrew's band.  I am having fun - helping Andrew launch his music career.

Favor - if you have a Jazz radio station in your area - if you give me the name of the Station, I'll send them a press kit and try to get air play.

Life is good. Be well.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

RESPONSE FROM TOM, April 18, 2008:

I have been in practice for 26 years (!). It scares me to think of how long that actually is. And the end is not in sight!!!! There is a radio station here that usually plays popular music during the week, but will play Jazz on Saturday night. (?) There used to be a soft jazz station that I loved, but it changed its venue. As a consequence, I purchased that XM Satellite Radio system and all I listen to is Jazz.
Tom L.”

Anonymous said...


FROM BUCK:  "Although it is out of character for me, I must come to brother Larry's defense.  He had advised me against certain inclusions in Blog stories regarding my XW.  I guffawed, called Larry a big pussy, etc. etc. etc.  As it turned out, I have been busted twice for blog content.  Thank God Larry edited my blog story about XW.  As it turned out, WWOW regularly cruises our blog looking for any snippet of information she can find about me.  She busted me for some hilarious, but (in her mind) inappropriate pics and commentary about her.  She then copied the edited version of my blog about XW, and sent it to XW in an unidentified mailing.  XW was not happy.  I have been hoping that she would (edited for content).  After she read my diatribe regarding her (edited) while he lit cigars with hundred dollar bills (edited)  no matter what.

So, there is a basis for Larry's paranoia.  You never know who is checking blogs (I understand that some companies are doing it now as part of the hiring process.

I love the irreverent humor, but I assure you I will be a little more careful when "drunk-blogging" than I have been in the past.



"X" rated, how quaint and nostalgic.  As to what a Quaalude, aka Rorer 714, is supposed to do, I have it on good authority that, depending on your tolerance level, it is comparable in effect to consuming 1 - ? beers.  Or if taken with beer(s) do the math .   .   .