Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.17 - Schwimbag Poet Perout, Part 3

Beta Pi:


Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address:___

SCHWIMBAG POET PEROUT PICTORIAL BONANZA, PART 3: . . . Continuing from the mighty pen of Schwimbaggio Jeff Perout ! . . . "

E-MAIL #6,000,001 - FROM JEFF, March 11, 2008
"Bozo.... Here are two pics of some sad TIC's after what I believe to be the UT vs. Vandy game at home in Vandy gym... Looks like we lost....I have pics of the honor guard flag ceremony with oranges stuck onto their that not the night where some baseball player made a perfect peg and hit Ray Mears right in the head with an orange from the back of the student section and brought him to his knees? The juice had to be cleaned off the floor before the game could begin. I believe that was the last time Ray Mears made his traditional walk across court at any away games. Alexander Heard, the next day issued an open letter about anyone involved would be expelled. Nobody ratted as I recall. The guy in the foreground who is not a TIC is Schwimbaggio Chuck VanFossan, a Sigmachi... Jeff

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BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of March 19, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 87 Beta Pi brothers, 78 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mailaddresses.
"A hundred button-men on the streets, 24 hours a day!" Santino Corleone,from The Godfather. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

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