Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.14 - Schwimbag Perout Pictorial Bonanza & Mud-Girl Contest!

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/ .


So yesterday, I started reading e-mails. There were about six or seven e-mails from Immortal Schwimbaggio Jeff Perout jeff@perout.com !

I could not believe my eyes. I had writer’s cramp in my hands after the several back-and-forth e-mails. Jeff’s keyboard must have been smokin! Jeff found a treasure trove of photos of Tick-a-lors at The Wags Wagner Pool Party, Hartsville, Tennessee, 1974! And a mystery? . . . LET THE FLOOD-GATES OPEN!

THE MUD-GIRL CONTEST: Jeff found a mystery photo of a Mud-girl making a very sweet jesture, and dreamed up a great new contest:

E-MAIL #1:

"Hey Bozo, Here's one for the BLOG....a seminal moment, so to speak, in true TIC history. Who can identify the location, the place and the care-giver in the attached image? I will forward an image of the answer in a future post. This is just the beginning of my recent trek through my image archives...there is A LOT more to come.. Schwimbaggio Perout..."

CONTEST RULES: I followed this up with a call to Jeff, and he decreed the contest rules:

The Winner will be the first Tick-a-lor to correctly answer Jeff’s 3 questions:

1. What is the  name of the Mud-Girl?

2. What is the name of the Event in which Mud-Girl is pictured?

3. What is the name of the Organization which sponsored the Event?

Be the first Tick-a-lor to correctly answer all 3 questions - and win the following prize:

Winner must endure dinner with Schwimbag Jeff Perout & other Schwimbags at the Krystal (or other restaurant of Jeff’s choosing), during Reunion 2009 (which is Jeff’s 35th Reunion). Must attend Reunion 2009 to collect prize. Dinner generously paid for by Perout.



E-MAIL #2:

" Larry, Here are a few more. I can't remember where these were taken. Obviously some kind of Tic party out in Nashville somewhere. Perhaps someone else will remember. Schwimbaggio Jeff"



Great pics. Looks like Wags Wagner's house, in Hartsville, TN - pool party he threw for us!


E-MAIL #3:

"Larry, You're right !!! I think it is Wags....here are two more pics of some of the TIC chicks there... Susan Neilson, a Poo-Phoo, a blond Chi-O whom I can't remember, and I believe it's Julie Fassett, another Chi-O...WAAZ's girlfriend...and catch those wheels on SN...why did I let her slip away....oh, that's right, I'm an idiot... There might be one or two more of the Wags party..but you have the best...."



These pics are truly historic!


E-MAIL #4:

"Larry, More pics of that nebulous TIC party. I'm sending a bunch, a couple at a time. Sorry if there are dupes.


E-MAIL #5:

"Larry, The best about all these are the pics of Alex and Laura...."



Right. I miss Alex and Laura, sometimes more than I miss my parents. What a treasure trove of photos. Thanks old friend. I’ll put all these up together. You da man!


*      *      *

I remember showing up for Wags' Pool Party around sunset - I missed the afternoon swim - but the party was roaring.  Elizabeth Brewer was there (I think) because I knew Chet would kill me if I tried anything.  Wags must have had Sly & the Family Stone Greatest Hits, because, apart from Lynyrd Skynyrd, and the Allman Brothers, the music playing was "Hot fun in the Summa-time - ooo, Lawd" and "Dance to the Music" and "I, am Every-day People, yeah, yeah" - and my all-time favorite "Its a Family Affair"  (mainly because I've always perceived myself as the "other child, grows up to be, somebody you'd just love to burn") - bup bucket cha, bup bucket cha!

*      *      *

Gentlemen, a huge round of applause for Schwimbag Jeff! Entertaining, or what!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 87 Beta Pi brothers, 77 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - share it with us!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, March 11, 2008:
 Do you have a current e-mail address for Mike McCarty?  I have tried the one listed in your blog, but my e-mails to him all come back with fatal errors.  

Tom Lovinggood"

TOM:  Here is what I have on Mike:  

mmccarty@crtllc.com,  (203) 569-6800.  

I kind of get double-vision looking at his e-mail - 2 "m's" - 2 "c's" - 2 more "c's" - 2 "l's" - what a jumble.  ILAMATOB

Anonymous said...


“re. the Pic Chic....my guess is Becky Breuning (sp. ?)

Cant remember the frat house name....on the corner. Plus, will pass on dinner

John Stein
Tennessee President
National Market Executive, Commercial For Profit HealthCare

BLOG CONTEST COMMITTEE RULING: Partial entry, fails to address questions #2 & #3.   No cigar

Anonymous said...


"Aber will attend the 35th. I will be unable to wear a tux, but I will behave as never before. Best wishes and love to all, Aber

George L. Abernathy
Gresham & Associates, Inc.
One Gresham Landing
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Phone: 770 389 1600

Anonymous said...


"Glad to hear that, George. Thanks.  No need for tuxes.  
The rest of you nebuloids need to show as well.   We will be playing Duke, and their new head coach is one of those x-U.T.  idiots.   jfs

John Stein
Tennessee President
National Market Executive,  Commercial For Profit HealthCare

Anonymous said...


Ray Glotzbach was in the Class of '73.  I have lost contact with him, but he lives in Memphis and is an MD

Tom L.

TOM:  Great - we'll search.

Anonymous said...


- Derby Day
- Front yard of the Sigma Chi house

.... Becky Bruning?

Tison Keel
Vice President
Daikin America Inc.
845-664-2431 (cell)
908-766-6268 (home)

CONGRATULATIONS TISON - To claim the prize, which is Dinner with the Schwimbag Perout & Friends, ON PEROUT, you will need to attend Perout's 35th, which will be in October '09.  I hope you plan to attend!

Anonymous said...

TO LOVE-MAN, March 11, 2008:

Here is what the VU Online Directory has - Glotzbach would remember you (and probably not me) - would you contact him, try to get his e-mail?

Dr. Raymond E. Glotzbach

Home Information: *
6575 Espalier Cir
Memphis, TN 38119-6648
Phone: (901)756-6030

Business Information:
St Francis Hospital-Pathology
5959 Park Avenue
Memphis, TN
Phone: 765-2131

Vanderbilt Academic Information
BA 1973 College of Arts & Science Chemistry
Student name, if different: Raymond Eugene Glotzbach

Anonymous said...

FROM JEFF PEROUT, March 12, 2008:

Awesome job on the BLOG...man, you are fast on the trigger.  A small edit if possible:

"Susan Neilson, a Chi-O whom I can remember and"

should preferably read:

Susan Neilson, a Poo-Phoo, a blond Chi-O whom I can't remember, and"

I already wrote back the Boss....thanks !!

Damn...I love my ATO bro's.....


Got it - glad you connected with Boss.  Be well,  

Anonymous said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, March 12, 2008:

Just curious--what ever happened to Buck Biller?  And, yes, I did send Jeff Perout an e-mail yesterday, but he did not respond. I got in touch with Mike McCarty and we re-lived a few memories.  I did not know he lived outside of NYC. I will send Ray Glotzbach a letter to see if he will respond.  He was in the class of '73 and we were good friends. He moved off campus his senior year and became very nebulous.  I saw him at a reunion back in '89 but I have not talked to him since.

Tom L."

Buck is fine - moved back to Davenport, he has a new girlfriend, and he is very happy - in lovie-dove land.  Which makes me happy, 'cause Buck went through a nasty divorce (from his wife of 30 years) then had a bad 2-year relationship with a woman he dubbed "The Wicked Witch of Wisconsin."  The old topper has a shot at happiness, and may God bless him.  He is hands down my best friend, and I love him.  You should call him 651-402-5787, or e-mail him fbiller1@msn.com .  Give him some shit.

Anonymous said...

 I tried to call Ray at his office in Memphis, but he is out of town for a week, so I sent him a letter to see if he will respond.  He and George Joe and Mike McCarty were good friends.  I lived with Ray for an entire year--(72-73) in the end room of the house.  He is an MD in Memphis. Kind of a nebuloid, but was a solid Beti Pi member. I think he was the ATO Historian and Secretary that year he lived in the House.  I have not talked to him since 1989, however.

Tom L."

TO TOM:  I go through Memphis often, I hope we can connect.

Anonymous said...

FROM THE LOVE-MAN, March 12, 2008:

Yes, I will contact him. I was surprised to hear that he is still alive.  BTW--just curious--do you have a job??"

I'm having a chuckle here, your light sarcasm is bringing back memories - you were one highly jaded, cynical and sarcastic dude - in true Tick fashion - back in days-o-yore.  You haven't lost your touch, I can tell.

Yes, i have a job - and my boss is a mean, driven, ugly s.o.b. (I'm self-employed).  I am a trial lawyer, in private practice here in Nashville - next month I celebrate 20 years in practice!  God has been good to me, I have much to be thankful for.  

A few years ago - when my youngest brother died at age 43 (and my Dad died young, he was only 47 when he died) - I decided to cut back on my law practice, and take some time to do some things I really enjoy doing.  So, I've cut my practice back to about 25 hours a week.  

I'm spending more time with my family.  I play guitars.  I have built a small record company - Delta-Jam Records - and have signed the jazz band my son plays in - Groundspeak - and next month we'll be releasing their debut CD.  Ann and I also have a building in Clarksdale (a blues apartment) that I built (I love to build things) and we enjoy going down there to blues festivals.  Another hobby is genealogy.  And I write poetry.  This blog helps satisfy my creative needs as well.  I really love keeping in touch with old friends.  I love all my hobbies - they help keep me somewhat sane.  Because as you might remember - I am one crazy m.f.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks!  the first two were easy.  I knew Becky well since freshman year, but may not have immediately recognized her in "earth mother" mode had you not posted the blatant hints at the top of the blog in the form of her photos, bringing her to mind.
What was second prize - two dinners with Perout?
I'll have a reason to try to attend my 34th reunion next year at least...

Tison Keel
Vice President
Daikin America Inc.
845-664-2431 (cell)
908-766-6268 (home)

With all that mud - I couldn't recognize her myself until Perout told me.  Actually, I waited to post Becky's pictures until after John Stein guessed her name (see his comment).  John didn't answer all the questions, so he was a duster.  I figured guys would read his comment, then work on trying to dredge up the memory of what and where.  Hey, don't you just love watching beatiful women mud wrestling?  Isn't that picture of Becky (without mud) beautiful?  I really think Becky Bruning was one of most beautiful girls on campus.  She still is - she came to a Reunion several years ago - Buck and I got to dance with her.

Anonymous said...


"Hey John, I will plan to be there as well.
Love all my ATO brothers...
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006
Email:  mark@thereedco.com"

Anonymous said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, March 13, 2008:

What does ILAMATABOB stand for?? I guess in the day of text messaging, that must be one of the secret code words.  Do you see John Stein very often?  Any other brothers live in the area?"

Anonymous said...

Stands for "I love all my ATO Brothers."  Other variations, ILAMNATOB ".. . my narcissistic ATO ..." - when dealing with Chet Brewer types, (of which I am one).  

Lunched with Boss recently.  A few e-mails.  Ran into him and lovely wife at Starbucks.  See him on the street.  High powered guy, Regional V.P. Bank of America.  

Buck Biller (a Bozino protege) here on business once a year, we have dinner.  

West Crafton, Nashville - refuses to get computer, or e-mail.  Mystery Man.  

Doug Campbell (a Mansfield protege) Chattanooga - talked with him several weeks ago - ran into him a few times here in Nashville, at legal conferences.  

Mike Glover (Mentor to Mark McGann, a wuss) Knoxville - not yet talked to him.  

David Haines (a Vinny protege) works in Nashville - talked to him several times.  Mr. Ascerbic.

Pierce Hodnette, Eufala, AL - came in to Clarksdale and we linked up with Matt Blankenship for a Blues Weekend.  Bob Aylward (from Pace, MS) came in, met up with us in Clarksdale - had a mini Reunion at Abe's Bar-B-QUE.

Mark McGann came to Reunion, stayed at my house - had a semi-nude picnic on my front lawn.  Might have aroused my gay neighbors.

Ben Pedigo (musician extraordinaire) short drive up in Ripley, Ohio (near Cincinnatti) Kept up with Ben, a true friend and brother.  

Joel Kadarauch recently surfaced in Alaska (no kidding) - talked with Joel, he might come to 35th in 2010!

J. Neal Crenshaw, Thailand.  If J. Neal comes to Reunion, I will do double back flips, and soil my pants.

Muenchie was tee'd up to do Clarksdale with us, but wussed out.  Muenchieeeeee!

Heme comes here time to time -we had lunch recently. HEME.


Anonymous said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, March 13, 2008:

Well, then I hope to never find myself a courtroom across from you.  Buck did respond to my e-mail. Heard he now lives in Des Moines, selling Snake Oil out of the back of a double wide trailer.  Yes, my personality has not changed much since college, I like to find some wit, humor and sarcasm in my daily life.  Mike McCarty sent me a short blurb and Jeff Perout is yet to respond. I need to contact George Welborne and a few other guys that I was close to. George Joe and I were also friends,--we lived together one summer school session in the Towers. When we come to Nashville, I need to get a list of all the new hotels and restaurants around the campus.  Is that Holiday Inn Vanderbilt still there?  That was kind of a ratty hotel, but very convienent to campus.

Tom L.

TO TOM:  You love to write as much as I do - you're a hard man to keep up with.  You've used up your e-time.  Must communicate by telephone.  Call me 615-512-1448 I'll give you hotel leads.  

Anonymous said...

FROM THE LOVE-MAN, March 14, 2008:
 I am not staying in a hotel, I am staying at your house!!!"

TO LOVE-MAN:  You and the Mrs. are more than welcome!

Anonymous said...

FROM THE LOVE-MAN, March 17, 2008:
"And I am not sleeping on the ironing board"

TO TOM:  I have a "bed-of-nails" that I think you'll find comfortable.

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM JACK MUENCH, April 14, 2008:

"Greetings, Larry, I wish I had seen that bog earlier, I know all the answers (to those questions).  Is the contest still open? Regards,  Muenchy."

TO MUENCHIE:  Tison Keel took the prize.  Great picture of The Mighty Becky, huh?  I'll post your comment at #14.  Be well!

Anonymous said...

MORE FROM MUENCHIE, April 14, 2008:

"OK, about getting to some print print here? What is Becky's younger sister's name and what was her hair color in the early seventies?

Yes, it was a great picture, but the unmuddied one didn't quite do her justice.  All around, I always thought she was the best of the best--pretty, nice, quiet, raised the heat meter to remarkable heights (I am quiet on other of her attributes--just because). I always loved her from afar, and was glad that Jeff gave her the respect she deserved.

Her parents were kind enough to put numerous tics up for a Derby one year. It was a happy one."

Anonymous said...


"Make that first sentence--how about getting to some fine print here?  I have a wretched cold. Nonetheless, I shall never forget the gorgeous, strawberry blonde Madge."