Friday, February 8, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.09 - A Tale of Fight Night

Beta Pi:

TICK’S!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

A TALE OF FIGHT NIGHT!: Many years ago, a stack of photos was sent to me - and I have used a scanner to preserve them digitally. And over the last few years, blog capabilities have grown. The technology now exists to adequately tell the tale of Fight Night.

Frank Biller and I were best friends Freshman year in Mims Hall, and after we joined ATO, Frank and I dreamed up several different ways to get "glory" at the ATO House. We staged a "drink-off" - which could have killed us from alcohol poisoning. When the thrill from that died, we staged a beer-boxing match. We were best friends, and the competition was good natured.

Being a musician - and not very athletic - I knew that if I didn’t train, I’d get "killed." Buck was a good athlete, and a much better drinker. In my mind, Buck had the edge. I had some Martial Arts training at Vanderbilt Tae Kwon Do, so I knew a little about punching - but boxing was different.

I had Herb Ladley as my trainer, and Herb made sure I ran a few miles every day. Herb helped me arrange to spare with Marc "Rat" Darling. I figured I had to be able to take a punch if I was to stand up to Buck, and Rat was a lot bigger and stronger than Buck, so I explained all that to Rat, and told him to give me his best shot, right in the head. Surviving that gave me a level of confidence that I could take anything Buck had to dish up.

Buck had Pierce Hodnette as his trainer, and Pierce has written a cool comment about it, for the annals (see Archives, Issue No.__).

A few nights before the fight, Buck upped the stakes by insulting my girlfriend - Sally Tucker. I was in the dorm at the Towers, studying, and Buck walks in - drunk - and says: "Hey Bozo, your girlfriend Sally is a w_ _ _e!" Buck knew that I really loved that girl - he did it to provoke me. I told him to take it back, but he was serious, so I clocked him in the jaw - which landed him on his back in the closet. He was so drunk, he laughed and said "S_ _t, Bozo!

Fight Night arrived. I had no idea so many Brothers had planned things, built a ring - it was awesome. I will never forget the love Alexander Wilson put in to taping my hands. It remains my fondest memory, and greatest moment in ATO.

Dr. Phibes -Master of Ceremonies!

Officially sanctioned by Dean K. C. Potter. Pictured conferring with Referee Doug "Fotch" Campbell, Travis Parr and John "Boss" Stein.

Pre-fight Magic Show featuring The Amazing Cheek-Un, Hypnotist Extraordinaire with volunteer Dennis Price, performing "The Levitation"

Frank Biller being taped by Alexander Wilson, with Trainer Pierce Hodnette.

Notice the picture of Steve McQueen on Buck’s wall.

Larry Simons being taped by Alexander Wilson, with Trainer Herb Ladley

J.D. Strickland stirring up excitement at ring-side. Totally plaid. Tison Keel and Matt Blankenship laugh it up! Philosophy Professor Doc' Aimon looks on.

The crowd was huge! Silva Thins Man attended. Spectators dressed for the occasion. Several SAE’s came dressed in tuxedos.

Buck enters the Ring, the crowd roars with approval!

Pre-fight - some guy wore a hard-hat! Warm up.

Jack "Munchie" Meunch, Odds Maker, picks the odds-on favorite, Frank "Buck" Biller.

Referee Doug Campbell explains fight rules. At that point, Buck's face was saying "Bozo, you're a dead man!"

Mark "Cheeks" Reed checks Bozo’s gloves. Chester Brewer looks on. Earl Stover had on his best Stetson Hat. David Dodson enjoys a cigar.

Buck checks out the amazing gallery of spectators. Among the beautiful people, Tim "Sweet Face" Stryker.

Beer Boxing "required drinking an "8 oz. Little Miller" before each round. Horns Howell looking at Buck, thinking "Your a_ _ better win, I've got $100 on you to win."

Herb: "We’re ready . . . "

"and the Bell! Round 1" (my favorite thing about this picture is "Whistler's Mother")

Round 2! Buck throws an effective right - David Dodson, an SAE enjoys the ring-side action.

"Larry, still standing . . ." Bob Aylward is in a state of disbelief - "how could this weasel Bozo still be standing?"

"Round 3 - Left jab to the nose!" Silva Thins Man thinking "Yes!" Girl, interrupted!

"Unexpectedly, a bloodied nose" When I saw blood, I could hardly believe it myself!

"Referee Doug Campbell checks the injury . . ." Horns Howell is visibly P.O.'ed.

". . . and calls the fight!"

"Larry Simons declared Winner, by TKO" - Earl Stover looking pleased, happy with his bets.

"Brothers!" - Horns Howell clapping, but not looking happy over his bets. Stubbs well-oiled.

"Congratulations from Trainer Herb Ladley, who dubs Larry "The Champ".

"Heart-felt hugs from both fighters"

"Congratulations on a good fight, from Trainer Pierce Hodnette"

"Best friends!"

"Frank Biller and Larry Simons, adversaries on Fight Night, are life long best friends to this day."

"Herb Ladley went on to become a Doctor"

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 75 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - don’t keep it a secret!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...


By the way…the chick sitting in front of that miserable “Stubbs” (at ringside) was Karen Jabbour, Aber’s future wife. (They were good friends……).   Oh, and notice Cheeks shoes in the ring prior to the fight.  Very nice two toned saddle oxfords…..what, I think he borrowed them from me?  Great work and pics for the annals of Tickdom are cemented in history….coudos to you!!.

The Heme……………..Always."

TO THE HEME:  Yes, Cheeks was dressed to-the-nines, immaculate - dressed like a true gentleman - and he looked all the better, in the sea of plaid!  Your two-tone saddle oxfords absolutely made the look - The Amazing Cheek-un!  Perhaps micro-biologic-remnants-o-Biller-blood still remain on the shoes to this day - - which only DNA testing could prove.  We may have to institute a Tick-a-lor Museum to conserve and display such historic artifacts.

Thanks for filling in Karen Jabbour's name for us.  I can't wait to hear what Aber has to say. I talked with Aber several months ago - he gets in and out of Nashville (not to be confused with the old "in-out-in").

Heme, I love you my brother.  I love all my ATO Brothers.

Anonymous said...

FROM TISON KEEL, February 11, 2008:
"Great Pics and story line, Larry!!

Tison Keel
Vice President
Daikin America Inc.
845-664-2431 (cell)
908-766-6268 (home) "

TO TISON:  Tick-a-lo's - - and thank you my friend!  

Anonymous said...

FROM CHEEKS REED, February 11, 2008:
"A Tale of Fight Night...awesome!!!...Cheeks
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006
Email: "

TO CHEEKS:  Thanks Amazing Cheek-un!  My dear friend.  I hope you are planning to be at Reunion 2008 in October - it would be your 35th, Yes?

Anonymous said...

FROM DICK STONER, February 11, 2008:
"FYI-  in the ticlor annals,  those brothers from a few years later than you all will remember Fight Nights in 1977-78,  officially santioned again by Dean Potter's office, but this time held in the theatre,  with entries from about 6 - 8  fraternities

Greg Qualls  ( known as Baldo)  who was Worthy Food Meister  during Alex's last year  1977,   was the ATO entry.

I will try to determine if the Qualls family has photos which could find their way to the blog.

This is all good stuff
Dick Stoner

TO DICK:  So, how did Baldo do?  Surely there are some pictures somewhere?  You should write the tale, or compel Baldo to do it.  If you will e-mail me the written content of the tale, and also send photos, it will be Tick-a-lo Baldo Spectacular!  Hey, 2008 is your 30th Reunion, Yes?  Hope you are planning to be in attendance!  Larry

Anonymous said...

FROM D.R. FLOWER, February 11, 2008:
"I am reminded of how my Tic big brother Ted “Fifi” Stephany so eloquently responded when asked why he did not have a phone:  “If I had a phone, people would call me”.

In defiance of that bit of sage advise, my phone numbers are listed below

DR Flower
3205 Oxford Dr.
Rowlett, TX 75088
972.412.5085 H
972.679.9813 C"

TO DR:  Could you find Ted Stephany for us?  He's not on the roster - I have no info on him.

Anonymous said...


Are you Class of 1977?

I found some info on Ted Stephany, and have added him to the blog roster.

Edward G. Stephany, III
ATO, Class of 1977

Home Information: *
2585 Lakeshore Dr
Mount Dora, FL 32757-4713
Phone: (352)735-4618
Vanderbilt Academic Information
BA 1977 College of Arts & Science Economics, Business Administration
Student name, if different: Edward Gustav Stephany

Would you call Ted, try to get his e-mail?

Anonymous said...

"Yes, the Qualls family computer surely has a scanner by now.

He was still standing after every Cap Sig  had gone down.  There were no knock-outs.    I think crowd decisions made 1,2,3rd place winners.

We will find some pics,  somehow
Dick Stoner

Anonymous said...

FROM DON SCOTT, February 18, 2008:
"Great Stuff!"

YO, DON:  The Book of Wisdom indicates you are Class of 1978 - is that correct? Are you coming to Reunion '08 in October?

Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, March 10, 2008:

"Ricardo Montalbozo--

I may be in error, but never in doubt. While still wondering what the F in David Randolph Flower's email address stands for, I saw your prior note about Theodore Stephany. I think that Mount Dora address may be his parents. Last I knew-- and its been years-- he was in Ft. Lauderdale and they had moved to central Fla., which is where Mt. Dora is.  But I do think Hill has had contact since I have.  If he won't respond to his little sister DR, then it may be hard to get him.

Yours faithfully, AWL"

TO ART:  Yes, Fifi may be lost in space.  But then again, we thought Harpo was lost for a long time - then, he surfaced.  I'll post this at Issue No.09.

Anonymous said...


"The picture on the fight night blog with you sitting just before THE
fight began and me telling you how ready we were reminded me of our
pre-fight preparation.  I have sent you via Amazon the music that I
orchestrated for our pre fight preparation.  This Boz Scaggs
album...recall at that time it was playing off vinyl....was a classic
from the Muscle Shoals recording studio with none other than Duane
Allman on the signature piece...Loan Me a Dime.   Give it a
listen.......just keeps building and building up until you want to go
out and fight somebody.  So we did.  Should arrive in a day or so.  

TO HERB:  Thanks for the music - I've never received a gift of music through Amazon, very thoughtful of you, old friend!  My memory is that you were a very intense, no nonsense trainer, committed to victory.  You are a piece of work, Doctor!

Anonymous said...


"Where did Herb get that ludicrous outfit?"

TO MUENCH-MAN:  Me thinks you are judging his 1973 clothing by 2008 style standards.  I direct your attention to "Mr. Plaid" a.k.a. J.D. Strickland - who, to this day, has refused to purchase a computer and join the 21st Century.  I even offered to give him one that I don't use anymore.  Still, he refused.