Monday, February 4, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.07 - Birdman Lives!

Beta Pi:

ROO-RAH-REGA!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

BIRDMAN LIVES!: I had previously conducted a search for Chris Page, a.k.a. Birdman, Class-o-76, but it yielded nothing, nada, zilch. (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.48). Periodically, I check on Vanderbilt Online Directory, looking for e-mail addresses on our guys, and got lucky with new information on Birdman - . If that doesn’t work, try calling him at (904) 285-7318. I have fond memories of Birdman, he was always complaining, ever cynical. In my memory, Birdman was an Art Landry protege, but I could be mistaken. Without further adieu,

BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES BIRDMAN! Welcome to the Ship of Fools! Contact the Birdman and harass him, for old times sake.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pibrothers, 74 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fork it over!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, February 4, 2008:
"Larry-- much as I might wish to claim the honor, it would be insulting to Birdman to label him my protege. Actually, he joined the Tics the year before I did.I seem to recall that JD would tell the story of how Birdman got his name, so next time you run into JD, please get and print the story. AWL"

TO ART:  J.D. is one of the greats, and I see him at games sometimes - unfortunately, J.D. does not own a computer (and oddly he is proud of that), and thus has no e-mail (nor a desire to communicate).  Although it is always possible to get a story out of J.D., the challenge is to connect with him - he is only reachable by telephone.  Perhaps, since you had the idea - and since Birdman is one of your guys - you'd research it by calling Birdman and getting the scoop.  If you do, I'll feature you as our Big Easy Blog Reporter.  Its the least you can do, since your lazy a_ _ failed to show for Reunion '06.

Anonymous said...

FROM CHIP HEARTFIELD, February 4, 2008:
"I think Oppenheimer was your protégé, wasn’t he..."

TO CHIP:  I thought Opie was Vinny's protege.

Anonymous said...

FROM DICK STONER, February 4, 2008:
"already sent,   and this should be fun.

Chris, Heartfield and I were roommates in an off-campus apt  in a realy lousy neighborhood between West End Ave and Charlotte ave,  beyond White Bridge Rd,  if I remember correctly

Regards,  and happy blogging,
Dick Stoner

TO STONER:  Since Birdman probably did the scouting work that landed you 3 guys in the West Nashville Ghetto, I think you guys should fry his a_ _ just for fun, and wake him up while you're at it - its 2008!

Anonymous said...

TO VINNY STARR, February 6, 2008:
I checked out your web-site - it appears Birdman visited your site on January 14th, proof that Birdman is alive and well.  I did not manage to discover his e-mail address until a few days ago.  What do you hear from our feathered friend?  If you haven't responded to him, it doesn't surprise me - it has sometimes taken me months to get your a_ _ on the phone.  I fear the laziness you have always struggled with has overtaken you.

Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, February 7, 2008:
"Larry-- I never really knew  Birdman. I can't say I'm surprised, from what little contact I had. The best friend he had was Conrad (Mono Cono) Peterson. If anyone can get him to respond, I think it would be him.It certainly would not be me.And yes, I do suck. AWL"

Art, nevertheless, he is one of your guys, O Worthy Master of 76.  Since you mentioned Conrad Peterson, aka Cono the Barbarian, I'll forward this on to Cono and tell him you tagged him for the resurrection of Birdman - somehow the jackals-o-76 will work it out, I'm sure.  ILAMATOB

Anonymous said...

"Hearts and I will get some Birdman pics out of our files;   that should make him call you when they appear on the blog.

In the meantime,  it's fine to report that " Contact has been made with birdman".
Dick Stoner

TO STONER:  How did you finally make contact, did Birdman actually call you, or did you catch him by surprise?  

Birdman actually attended the Steven B. Starr Learning-disabled Answering Machine Etiquette Institute, The LAME Institute.  Vinny was, and still is notorious for collecting answering machine messages, but failing to actually answer them.  And, it is a fact that Birdman was constantly brown-nosing Vinny, which is also proof Birdman is a LAME Institute graduate.

Anonymous said...

FROM CONRAD PETERSON, February 18, 2008:

I am going to have to pass the buck to Frank Collins....Not sure how Chris was added to our Tower Suite...Think it was through Frank...Chris seemed to go his own way so I am not sure Frank will be able to help shed any light...
Enjoying the blog...


TO CONO:  Thanks, O Mighty Barbarian!