Beta Pi:
NE’ER-DO-WELL’S, TICK’S, AND OTHER CREATURES!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .
THE LOVE-MAN CONNECTION!: I’ve known for some time now that Tom Lovinggood was out there - I put out an All Points Tick-a-lor Bulletin (see Archives, Vol.2008, Issue No.03), and that led Doug ‘Fotch" Campbell to provide a lead (see Comment from Doug). That was helpful, and I finally got around to locating Tom.
Some things in life are easy, some not so easy. I located Tom using the Internet, in Lees Summit, Missouri - and found a business telephone number. Upon calling the number, and identifying myself as "an old friend from Vanderbilt ATO" - the kind lady on the telephone identified herself as Thomas’ wife, and assistant in his Dental Practice. She was very kind. Of course, I asked to speak to Thomas, but she said "He’s seeing 150 patients today." Wow, I thought to myself - and I thought I’m a work-a-holic?
So, I left a message for Tom, both my phone number and e-mail address. That failed to yield results - so several days later I sent a letter by U.S. Mail, with a convenient response blank at the bottom, and a self-addressed-stamped-envelope - "Yes, connect me to the blog - my e-mail address is ____"
Bingo! In today’s mail, I got Tom’s reply, in which he dutifully filled in his e-mail address . So, without further linguistic prolixities . . .
BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES TOM "LOVE-MAN" LOVINGGOOD: I have vivid memories of Tom. Buck Biller and I lived in the center-room at the ATO House, and The Love-Man lived in the left-room (nearest the shower). Love-man was focused in the extreme, he came out of his room rarely - for meals and Chapter Meetings. As you may recall, Buck and I were anything but focused, and Love-man had the misfortune to live next door to us, and have to listen to (suffer through) our shenanigans.
I recall several times, having to ask The Love-man something or other, I knocked on his door. "What is it?" Was all he ever said.
Love-man’s face always had this look on it, sort of like "I’m really running late - can’t this wait until later?" Or slightly "P.O’ed" - a look of mild impatience. And this was the look he usually had on his face, at least in my memory. Odd that this Immortal - The Love-Man, would have a face that said "buzz-off" - instead of a face that said "Love-ta-see-ya, My Bro!" I concede, it is quite possible that it was my behavior (and Buck's) which resulted in this look on Tom's face.
Love-Man is truly one of the All-Time-Greats! Welcome aboard, Love-Man! To celebrate this historic event, which is hereby dubbed "The Love-Man Connection" - I suggest you contact Tom and give him some serious s_ _t, for the sake of the Brotherhood.
BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 76 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fork it up!
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72
FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, February 19, 2008:
"Hello to all my Beta Pi Brothers. I was totally shocked to be contacted by a friend from 34 years ago--from an era that I don't remember well. When my father told me that a "Larry Simmons" from Vanderbilt Univeristy was trying to contact me, my first thought was that "he wants money"!! I am usually contacted from Vanderbilt from more "official" channels wanting donations. Larry was able to track me to Kansas City, where I am a practicing orthodontist. My wife took his phone call and told me that a "Larry Simmons wants to talk to me". Again, my thought was "he wants money". But, after some persiverence, Larry sent me a certified letter, confirming only that he wanted to re-establish contact. So, it was with great joy, I forwarded my e-mail address to him. I don't get back to Nashville too often. I was there 2 years ago for a dental convention, but I don't get back for many alumni functions. Doug Campbell came by my office several years ago on his way out to western Kansas for a pheasant hunt. but, after a few letters, I lost contact with Doug. I have two step sons, and both are married and have their own families now. I would love to hear from any and all brothers and I will check Larry's blog ofter. Larry--I want to thank you for taking so much of your time to organzie this "re-union" I hope to hear from you soon.
Tom Lovinggood"
TO TOM: Yes, MONEY! I do want money! (kidding) - Tom, you are very welcome, my old friend. If you get to Nashville again, please call me - so I can meet you to pick up my check! / meet for a coffee / whatever - money being the important thing (kidding). I talked to Fotch, he is wild as ever. Hey, you were Class of 1979, right? That means your 35th Reunion is in October, 2009. I hope you and your wife can make it - it promises to be the largest convergence
FROM VAN SAYLER, Feb. 19, 2008:
I agree with Tom, its great that you are doing this.
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