Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.08 - Schwimbag Welborn Surfaces!

Beta Pi:

TICK-A-LO’S!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

SCHWIMBAG WELBORN SURFACES!: As usual, boredom set in early today - so I began to rifle through names, looking for inspiration. I came upon the name George C. Welborn, a Tick-a-lor from the famed Class-o-74, whose e-mail address had been unknown on the blog. So, as usual, I went to Vanderbilt Online Directory, looking for clues, when to my surprise, new information appeared for the schwimbag George Welborn . If that doesn’t work, here’s a phone number (770) 955-1373 . Welborn - sounds like a name that came down from England, the "well born" or well bred - sniff-sniff! As I recall, George was rather tightly wound (I was, too). Swim on, Mighty Schwimbags! Wherefore, and the hereinabove notwithstanding,


O, Schwimbag

O, Schwimbag, Schwimbaggio

You swam in the sea

But a crab must have bit yo’

Little wee-wee!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 75 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - don’t keep it a secret!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM GEORGE WELBORN, February 7, 2008:
"Hello Larry,

Thanks for reconnecting me to the rest of the Tick-a-los.   Seems like your poetry has not improved much though.   Hope you are doing well.

Do I have to do anything to get your blog emails in the future or did you add me already?

George Welborn

TO GEORGE "AMPH-MAN" WELBORN, February 7, 2008:
You're right - I still suck at poetry!  Check out one of my poems at Issue # __, Archives.  I send out e-mails as a heads up.  The actual blog is a website, the address (URL) is in the e-mail - just click on it, is all you have to do.  Glad you're on board.  Call up Doug Campbell and give him some s_ _ t!

Sometimes, the editorial staff (that'd be me) receives info on a brother - and I have received some on you - all good, I might add.  I've learned that you are married, have one son recently out of college, and two younger children.  I learned you got the nick-name "Amph-Man" because of the mighty intensity of your spirit.  I love that, because I myself am a highly intense individual.  Right on, Amph-Man - I love you Brother!
Larry Simons

Anonymous said...

FROM JEFF OVERBY, February 9, 2008:
"Hi, thanks for the phone number for George Wellborn.. I gave him a call as did Aber... he is doing well, living in Atlanta... he had not heard of the beta pi blog... you should add him...jeff"

TO JEFF:  I'm glad you reconnected with George - and glad to hear Aber reconnected with George - that's what this is all about.   I just received a comment from George - your comments must have come flying in simultaneously.  And, absolutely, add-in-ski!  

I'm posting your comment at Vol.2008, No.08.  Be well, ILAMATOB,