Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.01 - Marlon Noir Report, Episode 9

Beta Pi:

YO - WAKE UP, THERE - 2008 IS HERE!: This is a heads-up "e-mail" - it is not "the blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so you simply must raise your "bird" finger and "Click on" the web address: .

MARLON NOIR, BLOG REPORTER, Episode 9: It was early morning in my town - time for my morning cigarette with a little dame I call "Dollface." Must remove this black-out mask from my eyes, and start another miserable day.

Whoa - the sun is - whoa - in my face. I can hardly believe that dizzy blonde let up the shades. I specifically told her. . .

Dollface - never, and I mean never, raise the shades. They call me Marlon Noir, not Marlon Solarium! Darkness, baby, darkness is what keeps my creative juices flowing. And speaking of juices - Dollface, be a good little blond bombshell and pour me a martini on your way out. And while you’re out, stop at QuickieMart and get me 6 Slim Jim’s, a pack of Camel, and some Tums. And close the door quietly.

How long does it take to get rid of a blonde?

Now, to business. I had the great good fortune to uncover some new information about Brother Scott Shepard . . . One of my correspondents sends me this news over the wire service:

Brother Scott Shepard will be going under the knife on Jan. 15 to repair/replace his hip which was pretty much destroyed when he took that fall and has caused him to be in pain ever since. He is looking forward to hopefully being relieved of that burden with the surgery and seems to have all his ducks in a row as far as a good surgeon and good people who will take care of him during the lengthy recoup that he will have to go through. This will not be an "ordinary" hip operation. Anyway, I'm not at home right now but I'll send you the details on where he can be reached so that maybe a few of the Brothers can bolster his spirits with some well wishes during this difficult time.

All this worrying about Scott has me feeling hungry. I wonder where blonde-for-brains is with my food? Wait, I hear footsteps, must be her.

"Is my little sugar boy Marlon hungry? I have some Slim-Jimmy’s and Cam-eys and Tum-eys for my sweet wittle Marly"

"Yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talkin’ about"

Another day in my city, another story - that’s my life as a Blog Reporter. Till next time.

Marlon Noir, Blog Reporter

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

"Another busy day LARRY?

I do have an e mail address for Scott and it is as you describe.  He also has the blog address but Scott is pretty much computer illiterate, but learning, courtesy of it pretty much being required at his relatively new job and by life in general anymore.  It doesn't really matter because he will be convalescing at the home of a couple he knows and I don't yet have their e mail address but will give it to you when I get it.  I was kind of thinking the whole well wishing thing could come as a surprise but I'll leave that with you.

You got a thing for Candy or what?

Anonymous said...

"Hey Larry,

You're getting pretty good at this Bogartesque kind of writing but... "Marly"?  Anyway, Scott tells me that from 1/18 to about 3/1 he will be convalescing at the home of his friends

Lynn (actually a guys name) & Diana Felber
17520 Scenic Heights Drive
Sonora, CA 95370

Scott's cell is 925-200-9925 but he says there is no signal at the Felber's house so if anybody wants to call him on the cell better do it before the 18th.  Sugery is the 15th.  So see if you can rally the troops to call, send cards, flowers, whatever because I for one know what it's like to be all (edited for content) and hear from friends who you haven't heard from in ages.  It's a good thing


TO MARLON:  Thanks, Marly