Friday, January 25, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.05 - Abominable Dr. Phibes, Unplugged

Beta Pi:

MERCY, HOO-HA!: This is "e-mail" - it is not the "blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, UNPLUGGED: As I write this, I can hear that immortal tune "Pretty Woman" and the voice of Roy Orbison singing MERCY! That is how hot this column is!

Last week, Matthew J. Hart a.k.a., The Abominable Doctor Phibes, sent me several photos, and a special message (which took several downloads of new software to disencrypt - apparently because Phibes uses state-o-the-art word processing) which it has taken my computer an entire week to pull out of cyber space. Thanks to Dr. Phibes for the memories, submitted for the Annals and re-printed herein by permission:


While rummaging through treasures and keepsakes of a long and lucrative career in the hospitality business, I came across a set of photos that I had to share with my ATO brothers. Hopefully the technology will work to transfer these photos across the miles and may spur other aging Tick-A-Lors to open shoe boxes and relive the days of yesteryear.

The first photo is of the legendary Boss Man (Chris Shaw) and his sidekick from Queens, Dog Shit (Ken Varne). The Boss and Shit had just arrived on a Trailways busfrom New York. Under the mistaken assumption that Tennessee was a dry state, the Boss had packed 96 cans of Rheingold beer in his aunt’s American Tourister suitcase and brought them down to share with the boys from Vanderbilt. Many famous incidents occurred on this trip in the spring of 1971.

Photo #2 is a rare photograph of some of the Hemingway Nudes, taken by the Boss that same week. From the left is Stubbs (Cory Clark), then Dr. Phibes (Matthew J. Hart), Biggee Rat (Marc Darling), Sweet Face (Tim Stryker), Dog Shit, Peach (Cary Gold - note the wood frame racquet) and The Wimp (Pierce Hodnette). Tim is holding a puppy that he bought with his girlfriend. Note the Rat’s imminent display of digital displeasure. Why this displeasure, I wonder?

Photo #3 continues that theme with Dog Shit clearly pointing out his displeasure. You will note that the Boss’s jacket does not fit properly. That is because he brought with him only one extra T-shirt, because of the 96 Rheingolds. He wore my clothes all week until the Hemingway boys took up a collection and sent him and the Shit back to Queens.

Photo #4 is a shot taken later in the spring of 1971 in my room at Hemingway. From the left is one of the Rat’’s boyhood friends from Ft. Lauderdale, Joe Can-Opener, so named because of poor dental hygiene. Next is the Rat-Man, then Phibes, next to Rose Frasier from Tenafly, NJ. Rose dumped me after the Sigma Chi Derby Day, when I drank 2 bottles of Boone’s Farm, 6 tall boy Budweisers and a half pint of vodka the afternoon before our date. I was brought to my room by Douglas Campbell but my hall mates were unable to revive me for my evening date with Rose. They had given me alternating hot and cold showers and exploded hundreds of firecrackers in my room, to no avail. It remains the worst hangover I’’ve ever had. Next to Rose is the irrepressible L.P. Hodnette III, who is trying to sneak up on his date for the evening. I’m sure he can identify the young lady –– but I can’’t.

Photo #5 is a recent photo of Biggee Rat and Dr. Phibes with some of our admirers from Team Cuervo. Old guys can rule if they have the right equipment or enough cash.

For those of you who are extra oldies, please be advised that I still have all of those Super 8 movies, and one of these days I will take them to a video store and make them available for sale. Proceeds will benefit the ATO Orphaned Children’s Fund.

My sincere thanks to Bozo for putting this together, and thanks Bozo for cutting back on all of the sermonizing and religious hoo-ha. I love my ATO brothers."

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: Amen, and Praises Be! Brethren, the Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Hallelujah, and Amen. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - Have Mercy, hand it over! Hallelujah!

VTL and Hallelujah!,

Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an outstanding column!   The pictures and descriptions are priceless.  How can Phibes remember all  those details?  The guy must be a f***ing genius.  Could a novel be in the works, now that he is "retired"?   I, for one, would purchase copies of this novel for myself and family members.   Fibes, may your "retirement" be longlived and prosperous.   I'm not too worried about you being able to pay the bills.  
In fond admiration,  L.Pierce Hodnette III