Monday, January 21, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.03 - Blankenship Band PS Nevermind

Beta Pi:

YO’ MULE!: This is "e-mail" - it is not the actual "blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

BLANKENSHIP BAND "PS NEVERMIND": Pierce Hodnette sent me this note:

"Larry, Matt and Mimi Blankenship's son's band PS Nevermind has their CD on the CD Baby website for sale. It might be worth a mention on the blog. Pierce"

I wholeheartedly agree! Matt played me portions of his son Matthew’s CD when we were in Clarksdale, and the music was great. Matt played some guitar solos on the record, which whaled! Pierce turned me on to the website "CD Baby" - and you will find a link to the site on the right. Outta’ sight, Cap’n Midnight!


: I had a nice talk with Frank "Marty" Collins yesterday. Frank and Mary and their three daughters will soon be moving to Hershey, Pennsylvania - Frank got a promotion, and Merrill Lynch is moving him there. This will happen sometime in March - and Frank’s new location will put him a stone’s throw from D.C.. As you may know, Washington, D.C. is Marlon Country.

Mark "Marlon" McGann had the idea for a D.C. Tick-a-lor Convention, to be held at Marlon’s home. This has not yet been planned or scheduled, but I can’t wait, mainly because when I go to D.C., I love to tour the art galleries, and especially the famed "Garden of Nude Statues" containing many awesome nude statueworks of art. I plan on wearing a Tick-a-lor Man overcoat for the tour, a’ la Matt Hart .


": I have had no luck finding anything on Thomas Allen Lovingood of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a.k.a. "The Infamous Love-Man." The Vanderbilt Online Alumni Directory shows nothing. And I googled the name, and it yielded a lead on a Thomas Allen Lovingood, but when I called the number the voice message sounded old and crusty enough to be Love-man’s grandfather, and although I left a voice message, I got no response from Love-Man. Anyone know anything about whereabouts of The Infamous Love-Man? Let me know please.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

"Love Man fears W's arm, still, perhaps?  I would love to go to DC--Marlon, we're not finished yet."

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM DOUG CAMPBELL, January 28, 2008:
"lovingood lives in the kansas city area- i forget which city- maybe overland park or  independence- no i think it's lees summit missouri. i talked to him on the phone 3 or 4 yrs ago on my way to pheasant and quail hunt in kansas. i believe he's a dentist or oral surgeon.still very nice. dmc"

TO DOUG:  Thanks, I'll dig in that area.  Larry