Monday, September 10, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.48 - Class-o-77 * 30th Update


Beta Pi:

CLASS-O-77 30th UPDATE: After pounding out several e-mails, I have some Reunion/Homecoming news:

BROTHER STEVEN STARR SETS "ODDS ON VINNY" AT 1 IN 6.66: I got this word from Brother Vinny Starr . In the world of gamblers, the number 666 means "good luck" - otherwise, it is universally recognized as "The Mark of The Beast":


At this point, knowing myself pretty well, and being a Vegas man, I would put the percentages of me attending Homecoming this year at about 15%. So it is possible, and I would like to, but I have a lot going on in October that makes it difficult. But there is still hope."

BROTHER VAN SAYLER UPDATE ON SMOOTY AND M-LINK: I e-mailed Van Sayler to see what he learned from Bob Smoot . Van reports as follows:

"I just talked to him. He wants to come but may have a conflict. I don’t have a good phone number for George Ford.


M-LINK UPDATE: Several weeks ago, I spoke with George Ford, a.k.a. M-LINK . George is doing well, but I got no commitment on Reunion. I put in a call, but have yet to hear back from the MIGHTY-LINK! In honor of LINK, I am posting a scientific photo I obtained showing the computer-generated composite of Homo-Erectus, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

BROTHER MARK McGANN UPDATE: I e-mailed Mark McGann , and suggested he call some guys and beat the drums, to drum up attendance. Here is the help I got from Marlon (notice how Marlon weaseled-out of making any calls, by referencing what he had "heard":

"Sure but I thought you said Van was on the case. Smoot already said he was going. I had heard that George Ford was planning to attend but that may have changed since Candy McCall is attending because I know that he really does not want to see her. Bill Price I suspect may be understandably otherwise occupied. Why are you so interested anyway??"


BROTHER BILL PRICE UPDATE: I spoke with Brother Bill , and was really inspired. Some of you may not know, but four months ago Bill lost his wife of 25 years to cancer. Bill is working through the grieving process, and is taking care of himself and his daughter. He will be unable to attend Reunion, because he has committed to participating in a grief seminar with his daughter. Bill’s faith in Jesus Christ is sustaining him, and he appreciates all of the prayers. He and Brother Mark Hektner attend a weekly prayer luncheon together. Bill, we’ll miss you, and we keep you in our prayers. This is a good time to remind everyone - Christianity is at the very foundation of ATO. Say a prayer for Bill.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM MATT HART, September 10, 2007:

"Interesting photo of Vinnie…what is the vintage?"

RESPONSE TO MATT:  This photo dated after Buck's graduation, during Vinny's Vanderbilt Law School years 1975 to 1977.  As to whether Vinny violated the Phibesean Law of Nolo Fraterno El Snake-o, the jury is still out.

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, September 12, 2007:

"V-Starr, typical Tic, trying to snake a brothers date.
Hoping to lure her into his "Vinnie the Pimp" stable I am sure!