Monday, September 17, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.49 - Nothin from Nothin

Maria Sharapova!

Beta Pi:

NOTHIN FROM NOTHIN: . . . Leaves nothin! As the old song goes. I have nothing worth writing about today - other than I saw J.D. at the Commodores vs. Ole Miss game, the Dores smashed Ole Miss, and that was sweet poetic justice (Ann and I were witnesses to Ole Miss’ Homecoming Game last year against Vandy, and suffice it to say it "weren’t pretty"), but I did see a really good movie.


: 3:10 TO YUMA. B B B B This movie, directed by James Mangold, is a remake of a 1957 film with the same title, which starred Glenn Ford as the bad guy, and Van Heflin as the rancher who escorts him to justice. Russell Crowe stars as Ben Wade, a smart and ruthless gunfighter who leads a band of cut-throats in train robberies. Ben commands the gang, but his second in command, Ben Foster (played by Charlie Prince) is just as ruthless, and sadistic to boot. The rancher, Dan Evans (played by Christian Bale) signs on as a hired gun to guard Ben Wade and deliver him to the train station to catch the 3:10 p.m. train to Yuma, to face justice. Although he signed on because he needed money - his ranch was near foreclosure - he was the only gun brave enough to carry Ben Wade to station. Almost the entire town of Yuma responded to an offer by the sadistic Mr. Foster "$200 cash, guaranteed" to the man who shoots dead the deputies escorting Ben Wade. Dan Evans runs this gauntlet to show his teenage son what courage means. This is quite dramatic, because Ben Wade respects this, and essentially helps Dan Evans get him to the train. The last scene, which I will not spoil for you, is hands down the most spectacular western shootout ever filmed. This movie, while not as good as my all-time-favorite western, The Unforgiven, is nevertheless one of the best westerns ever made - I plan to buy the DVD. I give this film the highest Netherworld rating - four B B B B ’s.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster stands at 83 Beta Pi brothers, 70 of whom have e-mail addresses. To blow this horn, we need more Tick-a-lo e-addresses. Get down to it, my brothers, and get them to me.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

RIDDLE / CONTEST:  Be the first Tick-a-lor to answer correctly, and win dinner for 2 at Rotiers at your next VU Reunion!


Anonymous said...

FROM XBG NEAL CRENSHAW, September 18, 2007:

"SRC is one of the two companies I have been gigging with... Not sure why your address book is corrupted.

Suggest you add this address to your book and delete all others...

I am in my 4th week in Accra. Supposed 2 leave next week, but, maybe not, because project is so screwed up. This one's serious Washington Post material... an embarrassment to the USG...

Ghana is better off than Togo materially. Not surprisingly, the Ghanians, as a consequence, do not work as hard as the Togolese. Ghana is terrible expensive unless you're willing to "go native". Unfortunately, I do not find missionary stew very palatable..."

Anonymous said...

SCUMMINGS WINS DINNER FOR 2!  Steve Cummings guessed:
"whoever bought OJ's" - deemed the closest correct answer.  RONALD GOLDMAN is, of course, the white man over 40, and this answer is correct, because OJ's property, including the Heisman Trophy, is subject to judicial attachment in the civil judgment Goldman got against OJ.  Goldman is the father of Nicole Simpson's paramour.

Anonymous said...

"That would be me.  I did find what looked to be a fairly racist site, due to the use of the word white man, that I may have to go back to."

NOTE:  Marlon guessed "Brown" - presumably that meant hiers of Nicole Brown.  Wrong.

Anonymous said...


"And I will even get to enjoy my dinner over Reunion weekend!
Great riddle.  My first clue - I noticed you carefully worded the riddle using the verb “get” instead of “won.”


Anonymous said...


"Bozo-- it's Fred Goldman. Again I assign my dinner rights."

BLOG CONTEST COMMITTEE RULING:  Mr. Landry is correct, Fred Goldman is the father of Ronald Goldman, the murder victim.  However, Landry welched-out and blew off his last Reunion in '06.  Many Tick-a-lors suffered because Landry woosed out.  
SPLIT DECISION.  SCUMMINGS retains his title as Riddle Man for Reunion '07.  LANDRY is awarded consolation prize of Dinner for 2 at Rotiers at his next Reunion, which will not be until 2011.  Art, think in your mind about the savory taste of a Rotiers' Cheese Burger on French Bread, the smell of Draft Beer, the sounds of hungry young co-eds wolfing down burgers . . . meditate on that as you ponder whether to actually SHOW UP in 2011.  I hope you make it (and hope I'm still above ground then myself). Congratulations to both winners.  Prize rights not assignable - must attend Reunion to claim prize.

Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, September 18, 2007:
"   El Senor Bozino--

      Of course I accept the decision of the committee. I am wholeheartedly pleased that Mr. Steve (Short) Cummings will receive the dinner prize, and he may eat it with my compliments.

      While I have not made the reunions, I do think it maybe even likely that I will be up there in the winter for a VU bball game at Memorial Gym, still one of my favorite things to do. You'll know when I know. Thanks, AWL"

Then you simply must give me a heads up, and I'll join you at the game, and buy your dinner at Rotiers anyway.  And you can still claim the prize in 2011.