Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.02 - Search for Lee Hall

Beta Pi:

SEARCH FOR LEE HALL: So, I’m talking on the phone with Buck Biller, and Buck says:

"Hey, Lar’ - you know who’d be good to get on the Blog?"

And I go: "Who’s that, Buck?"

Buck says: "Lee Hall!"

So I say: "Schwim-baggio! I’ll get right on it!"

Well, now that the "holidays" are over, I go online to check on the Vanderbilt Online Alumni Directory, and sure enough, I find a listing for Lee Hartley Hall, VU 1976. No home address, no e-mail listed, but it gave a business listing showing Lee as "News Director" for W D B O Radio AM, Orlando, Florida. So, I call and - what do ya know - the News Director is some lady, and they have no one named Lee Hall. So, I think, maybe Lee left there, and I ask:

"How long has she been News Director?" 20 years.

So I say, "does W D B O have an FM station?" No.

So, I try the Orlando directory for a residential listing, and I found a "L.H. Hall" but got no answer.

ALL POINTS BULLETIN: Any brother who has information on M.I.A. (Missing in action) Brother Lee Hartley Hall, please contact him, get his e-mail address, and get it to me, so’s I can ‘lectro-cute him with this Blog.

* * * *


Dream Girls. B B This movie stars Beyonce, and is a fiction loosely based on the Motown empire that spawned Diana Ross and The Supremes, The Jackson Five, etc., and is in "musical" format. The format works well, because it’s a story about three rising female stars, so when they "break into song" it works. The only problem - the songs stink! The singing is high quality however, and the "featured" new "star" is Jennifer Hudson, who was a second place finalist on American Idol. This girl can sing, and act, and she’s a plus-size entertainer. Beyonce, as I’m sure you know, can sign like a nightingale, and has the prettiest hips in show business (booty call!) - and I’m here to tell you, her big curvy hips are featured quite a lot on the big screen (swangin’). That feature alone makes this movie one worth seeing, but you should adjust your music expectations to "super-low" because the songs (and music production) really do suck. One other plus - my Wife Ann loved this film - so I could also recommend this as a "chick-flick" sure to please your female significant other. What the hey - political correctness be damned - broads will love this piece-o-dung.

I give this film a mediocre Netherworld rating - two B B ’s.

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

LEE HALL UPDATE:  Boys, when I tried the Orlando number for L.H. Hall again, an elderly (and extremely nice) lady named Liegh H. Hall confirmed to me that she is not Lee H. Hall of ATO fame (nor is she related to him).  I have run out of leads.

Anonymous said...


Not that it matters very much but the person you were talking to on the phone who said it would be good to find Lee Hall, was not Buck Biller (unless he also said that in a very curious coincidence) but yours truly, Vinnie Starr.  As I told you, the last I heard Lee was a doctor in Atlanta, but even that's not confirmed.  Some of the ex-swimmers need to get on this one.......

Anonymous said...


I guess brilliant minds think alike - I had that same conversation with Buck and you both.  Hey, I checked directory assistance Atlanta - no business listing, and there were 3 residential listings, 1 of which is unpublished.  I tried one listing, it was a black lady who said I had the wrong Lee Hall.  No answer at the other number.  Somehow, I doubt it will lead to the real Lee H. Hall.  I concur, an All Points Schwimbag effort is our only hope.

Anonymous said...

FROM BOSS STEIN, January 10, 2007:

"I believe he is a M.D..  Was from Bradenton, Fla..  jfs

John Stein
Tennessee President
E Region Commercial Banking

BOSS:  I checked Bradenton, Florida directory, no business listing, no residential listing for Lee H. Hall.  Thanks for the lead.  Larry

Anonymous said...

Hey Larry:

I'm guessin this is your boy:

Mr. Lee Hartley Hall
Radiology Assoc. Of Macon
MACON, GA 31204
(478) 474-0384

or at least it was when he made a donation to the Mac Collins for Congress campaign.

Love the blog! By the way, I don't know what movie you were watching but that Good Shepherd flick was slow..... slow...... slow.... and where'd they get all those WASPs anyway?

Chuck Wharton '79