Sunday, December 24, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.01 - HAPPY NEW YEAR

Beta Pi:

HAPPY NEW YEAR!: Announcing a new blog feature, "MOVIE REVIEWS FROM THE UIS NETHERWORLD." Although "netherworld" literally means "land of the dead" - this will not be macabre or sordid. It will be short, informative movie reviews, with a "thumbs-up" type endorsement. Here is the Netherworld rating system:

B B B B= Best. Top notch, knock-your-sox-off high quality movie. Highly recommend seeing

B B B= Very good, but not great quality movie. Recommend seeing.

B B= Average, but not a bad movie. Neutral recommendation.

B= Bad movie. Avoid like the plague.

I hope some of you will contribute reviews.

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The Good Shepherd. B B B B

This movie, directed by Robert De Niro, is being promoted as " ‘The Godfather’ of spy thrillers" - and since the Godfather is one of my "all-time-favorite" movies (i.e., a movie that I never tire of watching, no matter how many times I watch it) - I went to see The Good Shepherd with high expectations. This movie is one of those great films that is sure to yield several Academy Award winners. I came out of the theatre feeling like I’d seen a truly great film, and it is. The big surprise for me was Angelina Jolie - she plays Matt Damon’s wife - and before I saw this film, I thought she was a "B movie" actress. Was I ever wrong! Her performance is one of the finest I’ve ever seen in a supporting actress. I predict she will win an Oscar. I give this film the highest Netherworld rating - four B B B B ’s.

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ARMS AYLWARD UPDATE: I had a nice chat with Bob Aylward by telephone, Bob and family live in Seattle, and Bob is the self-described "money man" - financial manager of the Seattle Mariners. His wife Elizabeth is a Medical Research Professor, and he is about to graduate his oldest daughter from college. I know I speak for all Tick-a-los’ when I say "Bob, we’d love to see you in 2010!" Bob acknowledged that he had not been back to VU for a Reunion since we graduated in 1975, and he admitted that our 35th would be "big fun" if he decides to come. I take that as a maybe. Great talking with you Bob.

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

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