Friday, January 19, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.06 - Congratulations Venerable Phibes!

Beta Pi:

MATT HART ELECTED TO HILTON BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The internet buzz is incredible - I get these great e-mails from George Abernathy and Frank Biller, sending congratulations (in twisted Tiklor fashion) to The Notorious Dr. Phibes, Matt Hart, on his election to the Hilton Board of Directors.

It turns out Frank Biller first got the scoop on Hart, and sent it around. Aber has sent me the actual "footage" of the mayhem he then unleashed:

FIRST MESSAGE FROM ABER TO HART: (Editorial Discretion, this message is posted in The Archives, Issue #49 - due to inflammatory content). Click on "View Archives."


From: George Abernathy, GA

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 2:08 PM

To: 'Matt Hart (BH Corp)'

Subject: Phibes dubbed "Official Tycoon"

I love to hear from you, and CONGRATS on your 'promotion' to the Board. I wish you had been on the Board of the Bank that I started 10 years ago. Hope you and the family are doing well and in good health. Got to go. Love, Aber


From: Matt Hart (BH Corp)

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 1:23 PM

To: George Abernathy, GA

Subject: RE: Phibes dubbed "Official Tycoon"

May I respond that I never enjoyed the Fleischman's but viewed it as a value play-$.65 for the shot $.25 for a short beer chaser and $.10 tip for the bartender...and those of you that had the experience of a long night at Foxy's know that to be true."

NEW WEB LINK - CONGRATULATIONS MATT HART: The actual news story on Matt’s success is just a click away. See the link on this page.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...


"Shows you what a knucklehead I have been - I discounted Big Brother Matt's furture value long ago and fell out of touch...  I am ashamed.  Congrats, Big Brother.  You are one of the few who do Long Island proud.  You, Amy Fisher, Teddy Roosevelt....  you get the picture."  

Anonymous said...

AN "ABER STORY" FROM DR. PHIBES, January 22, 2007:

"Another Aber story - he visited me in Manhattan sometime in the 80s… we went to a fancy Italian Restaurant-Parioli Romanissimo- I planned to expense it.  

Waiters in tuxes a huge wine list, all kinds of fancy entrees.  The waiter goes through a long list of specials - everyone orders except Aber who is staring hard at the menu.  Now at this point Aber was still a scary guy - big, a little whacked, still juiced from college sports,etc.  The table goes quiet - Aber  still looks down at the menu and in a deep voice says…”Spaghetti”.

The waiter is confused - “Sir we have many fine pasta dishes as appetizers” and then proceeds to describe in great detail all kinds of gnocchis, ziti el frommagios etc. etc.  Aber now looks up from the menu for the first time and looks at the waiter and says “Spaghetti - I want a big bowl of Spaghetti”.

The drama continues - alright sir I am sure our chef can find Spaghetti - now would you like that al dente, with fresh porcini mushrooms, he describes all kinds of northern Italian white sauces going on and on.  Aber stares at him through those crazy hippy glasses for a moment and then says  ”Spaghetti - I want a big bowl of Spaghetti …with meatballs…and I want it NOW”.  We all enjoyed our dinner."

Anonymous said...


"I seem to remember (or perhaps imagine) a Shipwreck Friday when singing the Blues was well underway, I walked into the entrance way and ran into a pacing Aber with a worried expression.  "I just got nailed by Hart, and I have to get back at him, but can't come up with a good rhyme..."
My modest suggestion was that Dr. Phibes' amour of the time had a name that rhymed nicely with "Pimp's son".  The lights went on immediately, and an energized Aber rushed back into the party area, where he delivered a quite memorable, heartfelt, but alas, unprintable Blues tune, making a much more stomach-turning use of the rhyme than I ever could have imagined.  Glad I could help!

Congratulations, Doctor and best wishes!  I appreciate your quality product - I'm a regular guest at your Osaka property.

Tison Keel
VP Sales & Marketing
Daikin America Inc.
(845) 365-9566 (office)
(845)-365-9515 (fax) "

Anonymous said...

THE HEME SPEAKS, January 22, 2007:


You guys are making me sick, reading blog after blog, about Matt, "don't call me Hart" Hart.  I don't remember any of you guys giving that kind of BJ in the Tic Days (or maybe I missed something).  Rat, you know anything?

Any guy that could get "Blonde" Cindy W. (princess of the Theta's) to act as "beer wench" at one of the weekly Tails events, would consider obtaining a board seat at Hilton mere child's play.  That and the flaming entrance to the Shipwreck had to be two defining moments in the man's life.  Hey, Hart, congratulations, on it ALL!  (I'm wiping my chops now)

The Heme"

Anonymous said...

FROM JACK MUENCH, January 24, 2007:

"First, anyone who forgets Cindy's last name (Wigton, wasn't it), or her incredible beauty, or that she was Heme's honey, spent too much time in
the yellow car.

Second, all who recall Matt knew how delightful he could be--or how much you could really hate him when he gave you too much of the wrong
kind of ... grief. Myself, I liked being on his good side.

Last, I don't think anyone who knew him very well is surprised that he has accomplished so much--maybe the final form wasn't foreseeable, but I
think the result was. So, Matt, way to go. I always knew you had it in you (which is more than poor Stipmy could say if you turn that phrase a


Anonymous said...

There never has been, nor will there ever be, a more beautiful girl (woman) than Cyndi Wigton of 1974.  Just thought I would put that on the record.  And as a corollary, there never has been , nor will there ever be, a luckier guy than the Heme of 1974, for the reason stated in the first sentence.


Anonymous said...


"It's known as "charity."  One of those guys is looking for a job. The rest are hoping to be comped some day when that miserable mug starts losing his marbles.  Tic-Loooooooos"