Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.07 - SCHMEAT UNEARTHED!

Beta Pi:

DR. WILLIAM A. WHALEN, III a/k/a Lunchmeat, a/k/a "Schmeat" FOUND:

I did a search for Bill Whalen, and found a lead at Vanderbilt Directory. Business address, listed as National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. So, I get this female Administrator on the phone, and persuade her that I’m an old friend, and she gives me a number. I call the number, and a nice gentleman answers - its Bill’s former boss, I explain I’m an old friend of Bill Whalen, and he gives me a phone number, and an e-mail address wawhalen@gmail.com . I have tried the number, left a voice message - no Bill, yet. Anyway, without further adieu,


STEVE CUMMINGS UPDATE: So, this e-mail I have on Steve keeps bouncing, and I finally said, enough! I dig up a number, and get Steve scummings@Crossroads.com on the phone today. He is well, living in Austin, working in high tech, and has a wife and kids. Yes, Steve still has his "FRO" - although the curls aren’t as springy. I recall, in ‘75, the Tiks truly had the market cornered on guys with great hair (hair genes) - men with FRO’s Steve Cummings and Funky Engleman, and of course, M-link had that body-hair problem (neanderthal genes). Ah, the brotherhood!

MOVIE REVIEWS FROM THE UIS NETHERWORLD: Letters from Iwo Jima. B B B B Clint Eastwood, Director. Clint Eastwood directed two movies about Iwo Jima "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima." I have not seen Flags, but I heard an interview Clint Eastwood gave, in which he describes it as the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima from the American perspective. Letters from Iwo Jima is the story told from the Japanese perspective. Based on a true story, a clever Japanese General defended the island of Iwo Jima by digging a series of interconnecting tunnels and caves, and fought with guerilla war tactics (attack and evade) at a time when the "norm" for Japanese soldiers was honor-based - if soldiers "lost" a fight for their ground, to retreat or evade was considered dishonorable, and suicide was the honorable way. This clever General was ahead of his time, and encouraged his men that a live soldier is of better use to the Emperor. After the war, they unearthed a satchel full of letters in one of the caves. The General’s letters home to his family serve as a frame of reference as the story unfolds. English subtitles - after the first 20 seconds, I forgot they were there. That’s how good the movie is. The movie is fascinating for the humanity it shows in the Japanese. Clint Eastwood complained in his interview that most of the war movies he saw growing up were propaganda based - the Americans were portrayed as "the good guys" and the Japanese, Germans and Italians were portrayed as villainous or evil. Starring Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai), the acting is excellent.

I give this film the highest Netherworld rating - four B B B B ’s.

BETA PI BLOG IS A GROWING BEAST which feeds on e-mail addresses. The blog now counts 62 bona fide tiklor brethren in Tiklor Nation.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

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