Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.70 - Merry Christmas & Happy whatever!

Beta Pi:

MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR: I love and respect all of my ATO Brothers, and I wish each of you a happy and blessed Christmas, and a prosperous 2007!

As you know, Christianity is ensconced in the founding principles of ATO. We are truly a Christian Fraternity. No brag, just fact. I think of Alexander Wilson, how he and Laura loved us and cared for us. I have come to realize that the love Alex gave to us was the kind of spiritually pure brotherly love that I personally believe God gives. Just my personal opinion. I have met only a few men like Alex in my lifetime, and it means a lot to me that you and I were there together, being spiritually fed by Alex. And I know for a fact it really has meaning for some of you, because you’ve told me, both privately and in this blog. Its almost like "church."

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I am praying for all of you and your families. May God Bless you and keep you.

Hey, enough of my proselytizing - but you can let me have a little at Christmas time, already!

I enjoy doing Beta Pi Blog because I love to write, and I want to thank each of you for the nice comments and positive feedback. Face to face, almost without exception, you guys have thanked me for the blog, and said how much you enjoy it. You know, we were all trained as pledges to say "I love and respect all of my ATO Brothers." But lets face it, "love and respect" is truly distinguishable from "like and co-exist with" - when we were college kids, we each liked each other, mostly, and even openly disliked some guys - I did anyway. We are adult men now, and I dare say we all have gained much wisdom through life experience, which has deepened our understanding of what it means to love and respect someone, especially an old friend from the past, a brother. Our Brotherhood is our bond, and those are not just words - I really enjoy reconnecting. I think it affirms that we really did mean something, something more than just a great college social club. We are old friends. I am grateful to count you guys as friends, and especially grateful for my closest friends Buck and Vinny, who have kept up with me, and have been closer brothers to me than my own family.

TIME MAGAZINE "PERSON OF THE YEAR": When I heard about this - that Time Magazine has named "YOU" as its "Person of the Year", honoring all people who use theinternet, I thought of you guys and our blog. There are a lot of blogs out there!

BETA PI BLOG CONTINUES TO GROW: Thanks to the internet activity and contributions of the Brethren, this page now counts a readership of 60 bona fide Beta Pi Brothers. Let me know the e-mail address of a brother.

TICK-A-LOS WITHOUT BORDERS / BROTHERS WITHOUT E-MAIL: There are several brothers we "found" who do not have e-mail connections. J.D. Strickland (phone 256-739-4931) of Cullman, Alabama does not own a computer and does not have an e-mail address (it’s a protest of some kind). West Crafton, (office phone 615-868-0352) of Nashville, Tennessee, does not have an e-mail address. I submit that we should try to stay in phone contact, and continue to encourage these brothers to get online!

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM TISON KEEL, December 20, 2006:


Had lunch today with Clyde "Nuts" Noel.  He and I came up with a list of obscure Tics and wondered if anyone had uncovered these:
Joel "Itchy" Kadarauch (sp?)
Tony "The Toe" Miranda
Bob "Mole" Liechtenstein
Chris "Birdman" Page
John "The Pike" Lanham
Ray "Reggae" Gray

Tison Keel
VP Sales & Marketing
Daikin America Inc.
(845) 365-9566 (office)
(845)-365-9515 (fax)"

Anonymous said...

RESPONSE TO TISON KEEL, December 20, 2006:


Thanks for the list. How is the original "mystery man" Donuts? He has never corresponded with the blog. I devoted a page to "The Search for Donuts (see Archives, Issue No. 43).

Great List. Here are the "known-knowns":

Joel F. "Itchy" Kadarauch:  VU Directory shows:
1044 East 27th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: (907)278-4960
BA 1975 College of Arts & Science Philosophy.
No e-mail.  I know that Joel transferred from VU, did not graduate from VU. Recently, I talked with mutual friend (musician) Bob Noble, who had not heard from Joel.

Tony "The Toe" Miranda: VU Directory shows:
Anthony G. Miranda
388 S Main St.
Mechanicville, NY 12118-2623
Phone: (518)664-6339
BE 1975 School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering.
No e-mail. I have no info on "The Toe".

Bob "Mole-Man" Liechtenstein: Unknown unknown.
VU Directory shows "no match." I have no info on The Mole.

Chris "Birdman" Page: I devoted a page to "The Hunt for Birdman" (see Archives, Issue No. 48).  VU Directory shows:
Mr. Christian W. Page Jr.
124 Hidden Cove Lane
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082-2154
Phone: (904)285-7318
Business Information: Self Employed
BA 1976 College of Arts & Science Economics, Business Administration
No e-mail. I hope someday, Birdman decides to "land."

John "The Pike" Lanham: Unknown unknown. VU Directory shows no match. I have nothing on Pike.

Ray "Reggae" Gray: VU Directory shows:
16809 25th Ave NE
Marysville, WA 98271-4459
BS 1977 School of Engineering Engineering Science
No e-mail. I love Reggae music. Check out the link on my site to Bob Marley's site.

Thanks for these names. I'd like to say "You thunk it, you dunk it!" to Donuts. You and he might call these guys, as a public service, obtain e-mail addresses, and plug them in!

Anonymous said...

M-LINK "SIGHTING?" - UPDATE ON GEORGE FORD:  We have an e-mail address for George Ford, a/k/a "M-LINK", but has anyone actually seen or heard from M-LINK?  This page has not.  If you have seen M-LINK, let me know, but more importantly, may I suggest you register your "M-LINK sighting" with BFRO (the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization).  This is a scientific society dedicated to finding Bigfoot, a worthy endeavor if ever there was one.  Check out the BFRO web link on this blog.  I think BFRO would be interested in studying the M-LINK phenomenon, the cool female BFRO researcher pictured above may find M-LINK attractive, who knows?  Is M-LINK married?  YEAH, BIGFOOT!