Monday, July 24, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.09 - (July 24, 2006) Honoring Ben Pedigo

Beta Pi:

Ben Pedigo's e-mail address has changed:

Ben is living in Ripley, Ohio (close to Cinncinnatti) on the Ohio River, has a beautiful family, and his banjo licks are still known to cause spontaneous combustion brush fires.

I don't have a photo of Ben, but I'm attaching a photo, entitled "Geezer-Fest at VU Reunion 2005, Three Stooges Reunite!"


Larry Simons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bozino:
Tell Buck and Vinny this picture looks like "Geezer Fest, 2005"
Zeke Floose
Beta Pi '72