Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol. 2006, No.10 - (July 25, 2006) Honoring Mike McCarty and Jimmy Grissett

Beta Pi:

Mike McCarty is onboard, and reports a new e-mail address:

Mike McCarty: mmccarty@crtllc.com

I also have a new address for Marlon protege, Jimmy Grissett:

Jimmy Grissett: jimgrissett@aol.com

Marlon has access to a certain audio clip, reportedly the voice of Matt "Dung" Yonge ordering "food", which he claims to have obtained from the Vinny Starr Audio Vault (Vinny was perhaps the only VU student who had a "code-a-phone" as it were, and Vinny preserved all his messages for posterity). I am not attaching this clip, due to certain FCC Regulations prohibiting obscenity over the internet, but I invite you to contact Marlon at markmcgann@prodigy.net, I'm certain he'll send it to you (and I also fear Marlon, and Vinny will be facing 3 to 5 at Leavenworth . . .).

I'm talking gut-wrenching laughs here.


Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out Matt Dung's "Food Order" audio recording - Marlon can e-mail it to you.  It is worthless, because Dung did it, but hilarious.
Zeke Floose
Beta Pi '72