Monday, July 10, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.05 - (July 10, 2006) Honoring Dennis Price and Sean Walsh

Beta Pi Brothers:

We have discovered e-mail addresses for:
Dennis Price -

and Sean Walsh -

Class of 1974 is due for their 35th in 2009. Potentates from that class include Boss Stein, D. Price, Matt Hart, and Stubbs, Cheeks, to name only a few. Some of us from Class of '75 plan to be there, to take attendance for the sake of the annals. If you have e-mail addresses of other brothers, get them to me and I'll add them to the list.

I'm attaching a favorite photo, entitled "Pre-fight Magic Show" featuring "The Amazing Cheek-Un" with volunteer Dennis Price, performing "The Levitation" with Doctor Phibes.


Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E-mail from Dennis Price, July 22, 2006:
My guess for "the young lady on the left" is former Doug Campbell g.f.,
Barbie Pennick.  Alive and well, drilling and filling in Louisville.  D.