Monday, July 31, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol. 2006, No.12 (July 31, 2006) - Honoring Steve Cummings

Beta Pi:

Response to the Beta Pi e-mail blog has been overwhelming! The Beta Pi e-mail I sent on July 26th really shook the earth. Here is the story.

I was replying to Brother Jim Grissett, telling him about the amazing story of our own Brother Mark "Marlon" McGann, and I included a remembrance of Alex. Out of the blue, Venerable Brother Matt "Dr. Phibes" Hart surfaced with a terse (but kind) response, upon reading the following, (which is an excerpt of Beta Pi, Vol. 2006, No. 11):

"Remember, how awesome it felt right before dinner, when Alexander Wilson would lead us in prayer?

Lord of Mankind, Master Divine,
Keep us pure in heart and mind.
And so that we may know thee,
Thy presence show,
Guard and guide us, ATO.

Here is a photo I have of Alex, attached. Be well."

Matt wrote to me, saying this bit about Alex moved him to respond, and he graciously provided me with leads on several brothers. I have written to these brothers, and today I can announce that Venerable Brother Pierce Hodnette has surfaced as a direct result of Matt's help! A big thanks to Matt!

Pierce Hodnette:

In other news, Brother Marlon has recently uncovered the following "lost" brother:

Steve Cummings:

To honor these brothers, I am again attaching the photo entitled: Brother Alexander tapes the hands of Buck Biller, with Manager Pierce Hodnette, before The Fight.


Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72


Anonymous said...

Hey Bozo:
What ever happened to Herb Ladley?
Zeke Floose
Beta Pi '72

Anonymous said...

Larry, this site is great.  May you long prosper and walk the earth.  Somebody asked about Herb Ladley.  He is alive and well and practicing medicine in Kingsport , Tenn.

Anonymous said...

The reason Bozo won The Fight in the second or third round was that he got serious, went to the gym and worked out and learned to box.  Buck Biller worked out once with his manager, running around Centenial Park wheezing.  It was decided that Buck's best chance was to hold out until Bozo got too drunk to fight.  If you remember, after each round each fighter had to dring a Miller "pony" (8 oz beer).  Buck's strategy failed miserably.  Larry hit him so hard in the final round that the fight had to be stopped.  Mike Kirk, a football thug in attendance, said later that he was impressed at how hard the knockout punch was.  Kirk should know, he beat up a guy trying to tow his car from campus.  All these facts are true.  I was there, as the hapless Buck Biller's  manager.
Respectfully,   Pierce Hodnette

Anonymous said...

Some of you may have noticed Bozo using the pseudonym Zeke Floose.  You may ask the origin of this handle.  In about 1972 or '73  Matt Hart brought his childhood friend "The Boss Man" (He had this name before Bruce Springstein) for a visit to campus.  The Boss Man went through rush, calling himself Zeke Floose.  His stories were so colorful that several frats wanted to pledge him.  So much for the mystery of the name.  Bozo, you are quite esoteric.  These facts are true.  I was there and observed all with a sober outlook.   Respectfully, Pierce Hodnettte